Tag: politics

Is USA Really Going to Withdraw Troops from Afghanistan?
Is USA really going to withdraw troops from Afghanistan OR is it another gimmick? As we enter the third quarter of 2021 the emergence of new global superpowers, in particular China, its contribution and influence increases to the global economy. We see a shift from the US to China that was the only superpower that […]

Organized Religion and Secular Societies
Will organized religion die out eventually? If so, is that a good thing? In modern times, more and more people are speaking out against organized religion. A popular stance from the opponents is observed. “We are not against individual religion. We are against organized religion. Religion should be everyone’s private matter!” Apparently, there is nothing […]

Claims of National Progress Analyzed
Hereunder are a few of the hints related to the claims of National Development and Progress in Pakistan:- In 1960 per capita income in South Korea and Pakistan were USD 900 and USD 300 respectively. Today these figures change over to: South Korea USD 25000 and Pakistan USD 1100, i.e. a difference of around 28 […]

Dacoits and Embezzlers Amend their Constitutional Provisions
Their patience and forbearance are really praise worthy. They steadfastly remained loyal to the provisions of their conventional constitution i.e. looting for survival, by the count of thousands of years. Verily all dacoities involve life risk. With the extinction of kings and rajas, the entire scenario of social life completely changed. Terminologies of democracy in […]

Slave Generations in Free States
Slave Generations in Free States Prelude: Poetic expressions and personality cult serve little for devising the national character. These also have nothing to do with the solidarity and sustainability of a people. “Sultani e Jamhur” i.e. democracy has utterly failed in case of low literacy peoples. This philosophy for such states, has proved to be […]

The Supreme Architect of India’s Freedom
Saying yes to accept the charge of an office, only because people offer it, simply rebels. Who will provide the elements of competence never known to the people as well as to the person surrendering their offer? Every person of letters, howsoever professionally successful, is not at all capable to take the responsibilities of the […]

Forced to Migrate
Among the low literacy states, India and some other countries have a row of a few dozen politicians whose honesty has never been challenged by any intelligence agency in the world. These politicians are the real leaders of their nation and their motherland. Unfortunately Pakistan has been deprived of becoming a part of such states. […]

Fundamental for National Unity
Appreciations for practically decisive steps by the Army Chief against corruption, from every corner of the country, from Trijunction to Chitral, Badeen to Lahore and Bahawalnagar to Quetta, have formally settled the fundamental for national unity and solidarity. No specie of corruption must exist in the country. Not only corruption is terrorism in itself but […]

No Success without Tackling Root Cause
Atmosphere of corruption is mother of extremism, terrorism, luxury and wide spread crimes. Nursery of corruption disrupts rule of law and paves tracks for disintegration, dependence and slavery. Sustainable success against all types of miscreants can never be achieved without redressing the nursery of corruption. All of the tools of confrontation will prove futile without […]

Political Ignorance is a Disease
“We all are born mad; some remain so.” –– (Samuel Beckett) Political atmosphere is almost at its boiling point in Pakistan these days. Every nation goes through such period in their developing time. It helps cleanse the political thinking and democratic approach of the society. Political debates and arguments open citizens’ minds and make them […]

Allegations Exchange 2014
Leaders of the Sit In and representatives of the government are seriously blaming each other. There are charges of rigging of polls and widespread corruptions among members of the government. The government side rejects allegations and blames the Sit In side for their abusive language. Most recently the government side has been polite enough to […]

Fall of Centuries Old Standards
Here is news: Islamabad – Despite heavy investment in higher education sector during last fourteen years, Pakistan failed to make its place among top hundred universities of Asia (“The New” Dated: June 29, 2014). History of education standards goes centuries back prior to British occupation of the subcontinent. Primitive educational institutions possess honour of passing […]

Shahrukh Khan and Hafiz Saeed
What it meant to be a Muslim in India, especially after 9/11. Khan spoke, and this time he is not acting. We all have heard the hot news of super start Shahrukh Khan in trouble because of his burning article in an Indian newspaper in which he expressed his feelings that he has never been […]

Masses Excessively Ready to Believe Things
When the people are excessively ready to believe in things without any ground work whatsoever, why then the unreliable persons with no practical background not be fooling them. We all have heard the story of Pied Piper who gathered the children with his mesmerizing and enchanting music and lured them to come with him to […]