The Supreme Architect of India’s Freedom
Saying yes to accept the charge of an office, only because people offer it, simply rebels. Who will provide the elements of competence never known to the people as well as to the person surrendering their offer?
Every person of letters, howsoever professionally successful, is not at all capable to take the responsibilities of the destiny of the nation, which is a subject drastically beyond the scope of books’ knowledge. A high speed motor bike certainly cannot replace a railway engine to pull a whole train.
Undertaking the responsibility of future of a nation without possessing a vision of stability of its generations is merely vim for personal exposures. Concerns for a people are displayed by vision based performances which speak considerably loud and clear about the helm man and his group, who are totally devoid of yearn for fame and popularity.
Barrister Mohan Das Karamchand Ghandi (Mahatma), is the supreme architect of India freedom and independence. No section of Indian citizens ever asked Mahatma to lead them for freedom. He proceeded as a single warrior of Bharat Mata with courage and determination that could not be seen or felt by anybody. After the success of his mission in South Africa he came back to India in 1915 with all the affirmative sentiments for the British colonial rule for some justifications of his own self. During that very year some intuition urged him to justify his favour for the colonial rule. He undertook extensive travelling on foot, by bullock cart and by train to personally view the plight of rural Indians who formed majority of population. He travelled for hundreds of miles. This rigorous exercise introduced to him to a picture never imagined by him ever before. He honestly concluded and sincerely declared ‘Free India’. He announced freedom for India at convocation of Hindu university and that announcement followed a series of revolution devices to soundly convince the British government that he was determined to achieve freedom for all circumstances to follow.
By all definitions of freedom, liberty and independence Mahatmas Ghandi personally happened to be a free person in an occupied country. He courageously announced what he felt. He was self reliant. He supported truth wherever it was. As a free person by nature he could not tolerate to see his fellow countrymen under rule by foreign powers. He wanted to uproot the colonial rule for achieving freedom for India.
In Bihar State he started with Satyagraha’ (Truth Force) movement against the excesses of British plantation owners. In Ahmadabad Satyagraha movement was against the owners of textile mills. Massacre of Jallian Wala Bagh in Amritsar, by the order of General R. Dyer, very seriously affected Mahatma. In Retaliation to that he started Non Cooperation Movement asking the citizens to stop use of foreign woven cloth. The movement served a serious blow to the British textile industry. Mahatma was arrested and imprisoned along with thousands of Indians. Thus total period of his imprisonment in various jails, due to various agitations, got over eight years period.
Even short period imprisonments dissolve or dilute the resolves of a person compelling him to soften his attitudes. A few weeks’ confinement appears to be stopping the clock hindering the normal passage of time. This was not at all the case with Mahatma. Years of imprisonments, in various jails, fortified his attitude and he proceeded with new strategies for getting his nation liberated to freedom.
After getting released from jail, Mahatmas travelled from village to village pressing upon equality for women. In the meantime the British government’s salt monopoly hit his mind. In March 1930 he started for a 240 miles walk to the seacoast. Reaching the seacoast he picked up a lump of natural salt in token of his own possession to defy British monopoly of sale / purchase of salt, and asked his countrymen to prepare and store salt for their own use. Thousands of Indians were arrested for violating the government’s order. Mahatma Ghandi was also among those arrested and jailed.
Now Mahatma started a movement against discriminations of low caste Hindus, the ‘Untouchables’ as they were called. In 1932, from his prison cell, he strongly opposed separate electorate for the untouchables and forced the British government to drop the idea. Mahatma made extra ordinary efforts to banish Untouchability.
During 1946 Mahatma walked barefoot 116 miles to calm down the bloodshed and riots flared up in Calcutta as a result of Mr. M. A. Jinnah’s call for Direct Action Day. His efforts worked and the riots subsided.
Mahatma had been blessed with success toward freedom of India. He was a real patriot who lived and died for the motherland and all categories of its citizens. He never held a position in a government body of the country. He never recommended any of his relatives for a position in the government. He became the origin source of incentive for fair democracy and state’s most judicious political system. He died in a state that his attire resembled as that of a rural Indian. For quite some time he lived in the quarters of Untouchables in Delhi.
Anything Mahatma proceeded for and anything he accomplished was exclusively for the motherland and its citizens, without any personal or family interests. This line of services to the people is unknown to vast majority of politicians of internationally declared excessively corrupt states, who proceed with dogma, that after getting elected, all misappropriations are legalized under coverage of democracy.
Barrister Mohan Das Karamchand Ghandi stands to be the only political leader of his era who can be crowned with honour of true meaning of patriotism and devotion to his countrymen of all categories. His support for truth will always stand to be exemplary.
When a person strictly in favour of unity of Indian Territory supports the partitioned part for its financial share against the government of remaining part of the territory, there is hardly a device available for measuring his greatness.
In January 1948 Mahatma was murdered by a young man who was against his favor for Pakistan and Muslims. The cause of his murder was factually to achieve future cordial and humanitarian relationships in pursuit of peaceful coexistence of the two countries. The subcontinent as whole lost a leader rare and outstanding, in its history, and maybe in its far future. He is greater than all the appreciations brought forward in his honour. His personality produced quite a number of political leaders about whom no intelligence agency of the world can raise a finger in context with their honesty and sincerity for the nation. And his footsteps will keep rearing groups of selfless public servants and selfless politicians in the course of time to come.
On the bases of the above short account of concern for India and sections of Indian citizens, Mahatma Ghandi the supreme architect of India’s freedom, stands to be the supreme source of learning patriotism and devotion for welfare of fellow countrymen. Approach of his struggle for freedom was unique and indigenous in its character and effectiveness. Political leaders of declared corrupt states of the world can learn honest straight politics from Mahatma. They can also learn the unprecedented process of retaliations without hatred against the wrong oppressor.
Hereunder are a few references in honour of Mahatma Ghandi from MANKIND magazine (September-October 1969), Los Angeles – California:-
‘He was the bridge over the chasm between the intellectual and unaltered villagers. Unlike them, yet he was one of them servant of all, he spoke as India’s poor had rarely heard anyone speak before’.
‘To Ghandi, Satyagraha “Truth Force” was more powerful than war or violent revolution. Victory was assured because, in the words of one of India’s elder statesmen, “it is resistance to evil based on God and faith in His ultimately sovereignty”. The opposor must not feel hatred toward the one who wrongs him and evil must not be returned for evil. Disobedience must be announced in advanced, and one must be willing to suffer even death believing that the truth he stands for is more important than life itself.’
‘But on March 12, 1930, he undertook what British historian Geoffrey Ashe calls the “weirdest and most brilliant political challenge of modern times”, the famous 24 days Salt March… he would defy the ban, he told the Viceroy of India (“Dear friend”, he called him), and advise his countrymen to do like wise’.
‘Almost every day, new ideas, new ambitions, new visions, were unfolded before the eyes of the nation’ (G. D. Birla a friend of Mahatma).
‘For perhaps the first time in centuries, Caste Hindus and Untouchables sat at a meal together. “If any single act can be said to have broken he back of Untouchability, it was this feast”, wrote an Indian observe.’
“Generations to come, it maybe, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”. (Albert Einstein speaking of Mahatma Ghandi).
Category: Politics
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