Socio Political

Disappointing Experience at Kartarpur Gurudwara Visit
Don’t know about Sikh Yatri (pilgrimages) local or foreigner, but if you are a non Sikh plus Pakistani, visiting Kartarpur site can be a humiliating experience for you. Seems like, the authorities have deliberately put restrictive stages of strict checking, re-checking, and question answer quiz, to filter out the non Sikh tourists from entering the […]

Pakistan Needs Nationwide Urban Forestation
Solution of Metropolitan Temperature Raise: Urban Forestation Pakistan has unfortunately suffered a lot due to lack of planning and no consistent policy given by any government so far to keep our country clean and green. As industrialization has peaked around the world in the twentieth-century century and global warming is the agenda of the twenty-first century, […]

Real Estate Developers are Devouring the Fertile Land of Pakistan
Concrete Terrorism Nobody Paying Attention Towards We are an agriculture-based country and our country’s majority population lives in villages. Majority of the people living in Pakistan are uneducated people and are unable to get a job that will earn them a decent living to support their families. By not being able to utilize this large […]

Shaping a People Over to a Nation
Process of formation of a worth full product is far more difficult a process than procurement of its constituents materials. Getting a piece of land on pretext of independence is only a starting step for reaching the apex. People of the territory procured in the name of Pakistan have following historical characteristics and acquired traditional […]

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan
It is story of drastic catastrophe in the face of daily repeated claims of progress without concretely defining what progress really means because generally progress is repeatedly mentioned mostly for attaining vote bank balance. To define progress keep the example of Malaysia, South Korea and Singapore, at the extreme of poverty level during 1950s and […]

Dacoits and Embezzlers Amend their Constitutional Provisions
Their patience and forbearance are really praise worthy. They steadfastly remained loyal to the provisions of their conventional constitution i.e. looting for survival, by the count of thousands of years. Verily all dacoities involve life risk. With the extinction of kings and rajas, the entire scenario of social life completely changed. Terminologies of democracy in […]

Misinterpretations of Peoples’ Ideology
Very odd and irrational articles are being published in some newspapers, regarding the ideology related to independence struggle by peoples. The writers almost appear to be ridiculing the sacred terminology of ideology because they very much appear to be devoid of legitimate analysis of the very basis of selfless sacrifices by the peoples. Nobody goes […]

Fundamental for National Unity
Appreciations for practically decisive steps by the Army Chief against corruption, from every corner of the country, from Trijunction to Chitral, Badeen to Lahore and Bahawalnagar to Quetta, have formally settled the fundamental for national unity and solidarity. No specie of corruption must exist in the country. Not only corruption is terrorism in itself but […]

Iranians Sacrificed to Regain Values
Self recognition is track to dignity, honour, self reliance and overall prosperity. Thousands of years old living cultural and traditional values are foundation that bears the gigantic structure of civilization. Cultures surviving through rigors of thousands of years possess sustainability and thus deserve reliance. Compromising self recognition for adopting hanging alien values is sure to […]

Atmosphere Against Kashmir Cause
Operation Zarb-e-Azb can be concluded with success earlier than anticipated if the democratic government shares and undertakes its responsibilities by immediately activating suspended and postponed part of the constitution related to Islamic way of life for which people of FATA opted to join Pakistan. Efforts of the operation will become all the more effective with […]

Factors for Foreign Terrorism
Recent terrorist attack on Ismailis in Karachi, the most calm and peaceful community of Pakistan and the world, is doubtlessly foreign planned and foreign aided, with men and material. As matter of plain truth it is sequence of APS Peshawar massacre. Evident purpose of both of these attacks is creation of horror and sense of […]

Respect for All Religions
Going against the norms of civilized era and human rights, an effort has been made to hurt sentiments of believers. Every human being has right to follow a leader and a preacher. There is no justification for any type of unprovoked criticism by individuals of differing schools of thought. No religion with a divine book […]

Neglected Priorities and Forgotten Martyrs
Pakistan Movement’s workers and their generations, including Muslims and minorities, who indulged in personality cult to the extent of core faith, could not and will not ever possess relevant national character unless a justice based analysis strikes their stubborn discretion. Ladies, children and gentlemen who sacrificed their honour, lives and possessions during process of finding […]

Political Ignorance is a Disease
“We all are born mad; some remain so.” –– (Samuel Beckett) Political atmosphere is almost at its boiling point in Pakistan these days. Every nation goes through such period in their developing time. It helps cleanse the political thinking and democratic approach of the society. Political debates and arguments open citizens’ minds and make them […]