Dacoits and Embezzlers Amend their Constitutional Provisions
Their patience and forbearance are really praise worthy. They steadfastly remained loyal to the provisions of their conventional constitution i.e. looting for survival, by the count of thousands of years. Verily all dacoities involve life risk.
With the extinction of kings and rajas, the entire scenario of social life completely changed. Terminologies of democracy in low literacy states brought forth the dogma ‘form a group of vote bank maintainers of any category, literate or illiterate and get hold of power chairs’. The followers of dogma never know the meaning of statesmanship or patriotism. Their sole aim has been the control and possession of the state’s financial resources. Diversified tactics of corruption and loot are brought to practice. Quite a lot of governance members, who previously had hardly earned to run their kitchens, became financial powers within short period. This introduced the curse of luxury in poor states, heavily under foreign debts. Curse of luxury became the order of the day. Ironically heads of aid donor states started getting reception in personal residences of politicians, far more splendid and luxuriously decorated as compared to their own castles. With an awe, the donors get shocking surprise.
Luxury is the mother of all evils because its ever changing demands can never be fulfilled throw fair and legal income. The luxurious lifestyle of corrupt politicians released incentives for dacoits, thieves, embezzlers and traders / shopkeepers. Evil penetrated into the nature of every common man to gain at least some status of luxury by fair or illegal means. This necessitated need for amendment in the constitution of dacoits and thieves. By now they loot for luxury. Needs for survival become a byproduct.
In pursuit for luxury, looters, adulterators and producers of fake products have now become totally blind for the respect of anything sacred. They have no regard for holy months of Ramadan and Hajj. They have forgotten respect for mosques, shrines and other worship places. In Karachi (Pakistan), people sitting for Aetkaaf have been looted on June 21, 2017. Under their previous constitution, dacoits used to show resects for everything sacred to any section of society. Luxurious lifestyle of corrupt politicians has deeply injected attractions for luxury into the very mentality of criminals and corrupts. Will the politicians of low literacy states start living a simple life devoid of luxury, to introduce incentive for corrupts and criminals. As for Pakistanis they must follow the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his companions. As for modern times it is not sinful to follow simplicity of life of Barrister Mahatma Ghandi, President Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Laal Bahadur Shastri, etc.
Nobody must doubt that impressing the illiterate masses through luxurious lifestyle is either a derailed mental state or an illegitimate tactic of gaining attention or a desperate effort to conceal the past dearth and helplessness. Same politicians must not ignore burden of foreign debts. They must not ignore the state of poverty and diseases in the country.

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan — A prominent philosopher and writer and also held the position of vice chancellor of the Andhra University and Banaras Hindu University
Category: Socio Political
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