Tag: mahatma ghandi

The Supreme Architect of India’s Freedom
Saying yes to accept the charge of an office, only because people offer it, simply rebels. Who will provide the elements of competence never known to the people as well as to the person surrendering their offer? Every person of letters, howsoever professionally successful, is not at all capable to take the responsibilities of the […]

Aaj TV on PM Modi
By repeatedly displaying uncivil abusive remarks about PM Modi of India (July 25, 2015 afternoon), Aaj TV of Pakistan has contributed to further deterioration of already controversial image of Pakistani citizens. Apprehension that it might have been triggered with the push of some anti-Pakistan agencies of the world, bear sound weight. Among all the countries […]

Hindu Muslim Commonalities and Mahatma
Forward: Contents of this article especially invite the attention of:- Hindu believers who regularly study and follow the guidance / instructions of Vedas and Bhagavad Geeta. Muslims who regularly study and follow the instructions of Quran which instructs that choice of religion is birth right for every human being without pressure or compulsion. Religious and […]