Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: politicians

Mahatma Ghandi

The Supreme Architect of India’s Freedom

Saying yes to accept the charge of an office, only because people offer it, simply rebels. Who will provide the elements of competence never known to the people as well as to the person surrendering their offer? Every person of letters, howsoever professionally successful, is not at all capable to take the responsibilities of the […]

pakistan education

Fall of Centuries Old Standards

Here is news: Islamabad – Despite heavy investment in higher education sector during last fourteen years, Pakistan failed to make its place among top hundred universities of Asia (“The New” Dated: June 29, 2014). History of education standards goes centuries back prior to British occupation of the subcontinent. Primitive educational institutions possess honour of passing […]

Puzzles of Civilized Era

Puzzles of Civilized Era

Some of the worldwide claims are not honoured in practice. Some international generosities become detrimental to the security and tranquility of small states, minutely concentrated on their internal and external serious problems for the benefits of children, women, adults and patients. Some banned strategies continue to be operative openly violating solemn commitments. Flashes of anti […]

Wishful Prophecies before Site work

Wishful Prophecies before Site work

To be afraid of a gun that has not fired yet, bears least strategic value. At the same time floating boisterous claims in media months before spade work for a project, give every indication of faltering state of indecision. Such attitude is failure at the very box office. Just note the wishful poetic statement of […]

Descent of Corruption

Descent of Corruption

Hundred percent eradication of corruption is not possible. It must however remain controlled to indicate governance in a state. Serious corruption in a state affixes sign of interrogation against the political system and competence of the ruling politicians. List of yearly declared corrupt states include many of the developed countries. Most of whom continue to […]

Politicians' Concern for Young Generation

Politicians’ Concern for Young Generation

Pakistani politicians concern for young generation of Pakistan. Facilities for students are neglected. Financial priority is attached to Punjab’s capital Lahore. With thanks from The Daily Dawn from Lahore. No further comments. _

Curse of Feigning Tyranny for Peoples

Curse of Feigning Tyranny for Peoples

Simulation developed over to habit, undermines the whole personality of a person. Valuable efforts on his rearing and education, gradually start vanishing. Even his spiritual side of human values starts getting adversely affected. He looses urge for helping others in need. He does not believe in honesty. He does not feel ashamed in trespassing the […]

Species of Politicians in Declared Corrupt States of the world

Species of Politicians in Declared Corrupt States of the world

Foreword: Yearly reports of Transparency International, especially those for years 2009 and 2010, are the basis of this brief article. Misuse of terminologies and elements of prevailing shape of Democracy, in the declared corrupt states, has caused perennial sufferings for all classes of the citizens, particularly for the poor, accelerating boost of diseases, crimes and […]