Tag: subcontinent

Pakistan’s New Strategic Importance makes it Hotspot for Tourism
Pakistan is a country where we have rocky mountains like Karakorum, Himalayas and Hindu Kush in the north. We also have five of the 14 highest peaks in the world above 8000m in Pakistan all in one country. K2 is the 8611 meter which is 28,251 ft and it’s the second-highest peak on earth. Neelum […]

Is USA Really Going to Withdraw Troops from Afghanistan?
Is USA really going to withdraw troops from Afghanistan OR is it another gimmick? As we enter the third quarter of 2021 the emergence of new global superpowers, in particular China, its contribution and influence increases to the global economy. We see a shift from the US to China that was the only superpower that […]

“Straight Path” Why We Call it a Golden Period
As a Pakistani national and as a Pakistani Muslim, we follow Islam in a way that is different from other parts of the world. Muslims with all schools of thoughts are living all over the world. It means the way Islam is practiced as a religion in our region is having some Islamic rituals that […]

Tolerance in Every Religion
Religion is a sensitive subject for everyone, no matter what context it comes up in and where it’s being discussed. There have been many instances where it’s been easy to be tolerant of others and the ideas. However, we are not ready to listen and pay any attention. What happens to educated, intellectual human beings […]

The Irrevocable Nihilism of Pakistan
United by religion, divided by the lack thereof Chaos comes from ignorance. Chaos comes from confusion. Chaos comes from dogmas and the inability to broaden one’s horizons limiting the mind to be a dark narrow prison. Ideology is what moved many Indian Muslims to start a struggle for independence. The unified ideology was one of […]

The Wretched Specie of Traitors
Only classified prime traitors can indulge in corruptions and embezzlements in a country procured at the historically highest cost of massacre of year 1947, and only persons absolutely devoid of all elements of conscience and dignity can forget the massacre and devastation of year 1947. Hereunder note and feel the barbaric tortures, physical and mental, […]

Claims of National Progress Analyzed
Hereunder are a few of the hints related to the claims of National Development and Progress in Pakistan:- In 1960 per capita income in South Korea and Pakistan were USD 900 and USD 300 respectively. Today these figures change over to: South Korea USD 25000 and Pakistan USD 1100, i.e. a difference of around 28 […]

Dacoits and Embezzlers Amend their Constitutional Provisions
Their patience and forbearance are really praise worthy. They steadfastly remained loyal to the provisions of their conventional constitution i.e. looting for survival, by the count of thousands of years. Verily all dacoities involve life risk. With the extinction of kings and rajas, the entire scenario of social life completely changed. Terminologies of democracy in […]

The Supreme Architect of India’s Freedom
Saying yes to accept the charge of an office, only because people offer it, simply rebels. Who will provide the elements of competence never known to the people as well as to the person surrendering their offer? Every person of letters, howsoever professionally successful, is not at all capable to take the responsibilities of the […]

Aaj TV on PM Modi
By repeatedly displaying uncivil abusive remarks about PM Modi of India (July 25, 2015 afternoon), Aaj TV of Pakistan has contributed to further deterioration of already controversial image of Pakistani citizens. Apprehension that it might have been triggered with the push of some anti-Pakistan agencies of the world, bear sound weight. Among all the countries […]

Neglected Priorities and Forgotten Martyrs
Pakistan Movement’s workers and their generations, including Muslims and minorities, who indulged in personality cult to the extent of core faith, could not and will not ever possess relevant national character unless a justice based analysis strikes their stubborn discretion. Ladies, children and gentlemen who sacrificed their honour, lives and possessions during process of finding […]

Fourteenth August Without Prime Factor
Peoples not formally and regularly honouring their martyrs of Independence and Freedom are destined to perish sooner or later. Martyrs of Independence of Pakistan murdered in their localities in cities and towns of India and massacred indiscriminately on way for migration over to Pakistan, were all civilians. Territory and people of Pakistan are indebted to […]

Separation from India to Follow Indians
Compact unit of Indian Territory was divided to create a new state i.e. Pakistan. Thirty years of struggle involved the fundamental motto ‘Muslims are a separate nation’. To procure the state was not an easy process for the Muslims residing in India were left helpless. They suffered destruction of honours, lives and properties in devastating […]

Hindu Muslim Commonalities and Mahatma
Forward: Contents of this article especially invite the attention of:- Hindu believers who regularly study and follow the guidance / instructions of Vedas and Bhagavad Geeta. Muslims who regularly study and follow the instructions of Quran which instructs that choice of religion is birth right for every human being without pressure or compulsion. Religious and […]