Hindu Muslim Commonalities and Mahatma
Forward: Contents of this article especially invite the attention of:-
- Hindu believers who regularly study and follow the guidance / instructions of Vedas and Bhagavad Geeta.
- Muslims who regularly study and follow the instructions of Quran which instructs that choice of religion is birth right for every human being without pressure or compulsion.
Religious and social commonalities among Hindu followers of Vedas & Bhagavad Geeta and Muslims followers of Quran in South-Asian Sub-continent register a thesis least adhered to in the past and at present. All types of related instigations stand to be engineered subversions. Holy books of each of the two faiths do not teach hatred for other human beings. Whereas, everybody owns the right of difference, let us record the gripping common factors among the two sections factually so closely related to each other. No other nation of believers of any other religion, with her prevailing active sincerity to her faith, can claim to bear similar closeness with either Hindus or Muslims of the sub-continent in the face of under mentioned collective common factors that have been maintained by both for generations:-
- Both believe in Omnipotent Creator as Parmeshwar / Allah.
- Both believe in Swarg / Jannat for good deeds and Nark / Jahannum for wrong deeds.
- Both believe in true respect for women’s chastity as integral part of their respective faiths.
- Women of both sections consider their husbands as deities. They faithfully believe in the male superiority in relation to husband and wife.
- Ladies of each of the two faiths use veil. In each of the two there are ladies who use highly strict veil.
- A sizeable number of men of both the sections cover their heads with Turban, Cap on unsewn sheet of cloth.
- There is common regularity of daily visits to the worship places.
- Both maintain Ashrams / Dar-ul-aman for orphans and destitute.
- Both believe in good or bad returns for good or bad deeds in life even before death.
- Both generously donate for helping the poor, diseased and destitute of all faiths.
- Both highly respect and deeply care for their elders inside their homes without any excuse.
- Both share the misfortunes of any of their family members collectively.
Thus, Hindu and Muslims have been living together for generations, sharing each other’s’ happiness and sorrows, jointly supporting good rulers, jointly tolerating tyrannies of bad rulers and fighting to expel the colonial rulers by sacrificing lives and properties. Jhansi Ki Rani, Razia Sultana, Donda Je Waag, Azizan Bhai, Tipu Sultan, Bhagat Singh, are a few of the connective tissues. And those who could not find space on pages of history are countless.
This deep rooted human relationship discloses the secrets of managed differences between Hindus and Muslims of the territory. Politics, religious misinterpretations and dividing policies of colonialism have played a role for polluting the atmosphere of fraternity and cordiality. Colonial dominations have history of tearing apart believers of one single religion. Lawrence of Arabia has his mission completed. In case of South Asian sub-continent, it was damn easy for them to draw vicious lines of hatred and division, splitting a body parts into pieces. Under the heinous dark coverage of neo colonialism, the process has been maintaining its activities in various parts of the world including East Taimur, Sudan, Central Asian states and most of African continent.
Hindu / Muslims fraternity in the South Asian sub-continent is imperative. Also it is not true that no effort has ever been made towards this most touchy obligation.
For matters of sincere practical love for the motherland and respect for all sections of the people of the motherland, only one name shines far brighter among the politically active figures during 1930s and 1940s. This name is Honourable Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi). For all hours of his whole life he remained busy, mentally and practically, for the rights and interests of the people of India. He never got tired of injecting deep devotion for the motherland when most of other politicians were busy in plain politics at the cost of lives and honour of their supporters and followers. His deeply sincere efforts for Hindu Muslim unity are record of history. In 1946 when Calcutta turned into slaughter house in reaction to a political call, Mahatma Gandhi began\n a fast till the killings stopped. When retaliation in Noakhali (East Bengal) started, 77 years old Mahatma Gandhi reached there among 80% Muslims population, most of whom had got angry and hostile. Mahatmas setup a camp and refused police security. In four months he walked from place to place for more than 155 kilometres, for bringing the people around. Efforts did work and the violence subsided. Early in 1948 Mahatma fasted once more against Hindu Muslims riots in Delhi.
Apart from his restless efforts for Hindu Muslims unity, it sounds necessary to mention some of the contributions by Mahatma Gandhi for India and Indians:-
- He was founder of Satyagraha (force of truth) movement.
- With fragile physique wearing his Dhoti and Chappal he kept moving among common people and speaking to them exactly as one of them. He believed truth to be superior to life. This was an attitude for the motherland and all classes of its sons and daughters. He had unshakable belief that truth was invincible.
- In 1893 he sailed for South Africa on call of a body of Indian Muslims merchants for legal support and advice.
- Against derogatory remarks by South African court ruling about Hindu, Muslim and Parsi marriages in 1907, Mahatma resisted strongly and was jailed along with thousands others. Eight years of struggle succeeded and the government repealed the laws in 1915. This was the time when Mahatma Gandhi sailed for India.
- Reaching back he assessed the poverty in India travelling for a year from place to place by any available means including train, bull-cart and walking on foot. It was then that he openly spoke of free India.
- He simplified his lifestyle for maximum savings for needy Indians.
- After General Dyer’s merciless killings in Jallian Wala Bagh, extremely annoyed Mahatma announced non-cooperation movement. All Indians put their British made articles to fire flames. This resulted in imprisonment of Mahatma for about 6 years, thousands were jailed along with him.
- Released from jail Mahatma travelled from village to village for cause of women.
- During March 1930, he started 320 kilometres Salt March against the monopoly of British government about purchase of Salt by Indians. Mahatma was again jailed along with thousands of men and women.
- Mahatma moved for equal rights for millions of untouchables in India. British government proposed separate electorate for untouchables in 1932. The proposal was strongly opposed by Mahatma. He was in prison at that time where he began a fast till death against discriminatory proposal. After a few weeks the government surrendered, and to celebrate the victory, all Hindu of all castes together at meals and it was a history making eve in relation to people of India. Mahatma started living in untouchables’ quarters in Delhi in his old age.
- In addition to all above, Barrister Mahatma Gandhi donated to India something never donated before. He donated common Indians’ dress to rulers and politicians for all times to come. He managed for India, a specific top layer of politicians, whose honesty and sincerity is considered doubtless throughout the world. He laid down the foundation of equality for all classes and all faiths inside the Indian Territory. He established meanings of sincerity and love for motherland and its entire people. He defined the essence of compact constructive hard work for the nation. He neatly differentiated politics for status, vote bank and family inheritance from politics for the people of the motherland. Humiliations and hurts faced by him on occasions blessed him with a deep desire that his countrymen should never be easy prey to insults of suppressions. His lifelong political and strategic policies will continue to be the source of incentive and guidance for all peoples suffering from the dominant excesses of colonialism / neo colonialism, discriminations and vicious political groups making use of democracy for corruptions and misappropriations. So he will continue to hold honour of leadership for millions to come.
A personality that used to resort to action for causes pondered upon with extremes of precisions was assassinated by one who was least capable to understand him. When he left this world this way, a fairly brighter star might have been additionally added to the skies of the universe for commemorating his respectful entry into the next world.
Category: Politics
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