Monday, February 17, 2025

Less Known Facts about Making Pakistan

The Daily DAWN of May 24, 2015 (Images, Page 04) has published a unique article from Mr. Nadeem Paracha. Very intricate corners of freedom struggle, probably never published before, have been brought to the knowledge of Pakistani citizens. One is surprized to know that Mr. Daniel Latefi who had been the versatile hero of earning Muslims’ votes in favour of All India Muslim League, that had been poor in gaining the support of the Muslims up to 1944, remained in India and never came to Pakistan in life. A message goes straight to the mind of the reader that this person, with tremendous scientific foresight, must have assessed the circumstances to follow. A few of these intuitions might have been:-

  • Zero efforts to forestall the most expected horrible massacre of 1947.
  • Zero arrangements to stop the mass migration both ways. This caused a high structure of hatred between two main faiths causing generations long catastrophe for Muslims remaining in various parts of India and whole of Kashmir. Hatred begets hatred whereas no religion constitutes hatred against human beings.
  • Ultimate grasp of governing power by absolutely in capable and corrupt politicians causing boost of crimes and corruptions as instrument of transferring power to their sons and daughters.
  • Disintegration of separated territory.

To cover up Mr. Latefi’s apprehensions, hymns – poetry – songs were invented and sung in respect of leading members of partition struggle, like: ‘Aye Quid e Azam tera ehsan hai ehsan’. Such songs and exceptional regards are only an iota less than those deserved by Almighty and His Prophets.   In spite of that deterioration and degeneration of state’s institutions continue towards abyss.

The outstanding article by Mr. Nadeem Paracha in appended below for visitors of this website in general:-


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