Tag: pakistan history

Disappointing Experience at Kartarpur Gurudwara Visit
Don’t know about Sikh Yatri (pilgrimages) local or foreigner, but if you are a non Sikh plus Pakistani, visiting Kartarpur site can be a humiliating experience for you. Seems like, the authorities have deliberately put restrictive stages of strict checking, re-checking, and question answer quiz, to filter out the non Sikh tourists from entering the […]

The Wretched Specie of Traitors
Only classified prime traitors can indulge in corruptions and embezzlements in a country procured at the historically highest cost of massacre of year 1947, and only persons absolutely devoid of all elements of conscience and dignity can forget the massacre and devastation of year 1947. Hereunder note and feel the barbaric tortures, physical and mental, […]

Shaping a People Over to a Nation
Process of formation of a worth full product is far more difficult a process than procurement of its constituents materials. Getting a piece of land on pretext of independence is only a starting step for reaching the apex. People of the territory procured in the name of Pakistan have following historical characteristics and acquired traditional […]

Neglected Prime Factor of 14th August
Top leadership of All India Muslim League ignored a nd rejected repeated warnings of Punjab’s British Governor Sir Evan Jenkins (Refer to word famous book ‘Punjab Ka Batwara’ in English translated into Urdu by Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed basically belonging to Arain family of Mazang Lahore) about the forth coming massacre 1947. This resulted in barbaric […]

Road Trip Sialkot to Multan
Road trips are joyful, enlightening and mind opener. One must find time and gather strength to manage to go onto a road trip, see the nature, see the places, meet people, and admire the beauty of Almighty. It is good for personality and it increases knowledge. Sitting all day every day in homes or on office […]

Less Known Facts about Making Pakistan
The Daily DAWN of May 24, 2015 (Images, Page 04) has published a unique article from Mr. Nadeem Paracha. Very intricate corners of freedom struggle, probably never published before, have been brought to the knowledge of Pakistani citizens. One is surprized to know that Mr. Daniel Latefi who had been the versatile hero of earning […]

History in a Nut Shell
So many thanks to Daily DAWN of January 04, 2015, with even thanks to book reviewer Mr. Hassan Javid. The book (The Warrior State) is a concise history, in a nut shell, of the new state stretched over three quarters of a century, including governance and highly sensitive decisions, right or wrong, resorted to with […]

An Impartial Analysis of Sixty Years of Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan
By: Yash Pal Singh Karlra – A citizen of the world (This article deals only with the Islamic atmosphere in Pakistan. Political, economical, law & order, corruption and crimes as well as disregard to the judiciary are not the topics under discussion). No country of the world will ever forget the break up of Bharat […]

Species of Politicians in Declared Corrupt States of the world
Foreword: Yearly reports of Transparency International, especially those for years 2009 and 2010, are the basis of this brief article. Misuse of terminologies and elements of prevailing shape of Democracy, in the declared corrupt states, has caused perennial sufferings for all classes of the citizens, particularly for the poor, accelerating boost of diseases, crimes and […]

If any citizen of the globe compares people’s sacrifices for Pakistan with rulers’ performance in half century, he / she will be simply shocked. Sacrifices, sincerity and tolerance of the people have been adversely used by the rulers. Invaluable contributions of the people: During and after independence movement, people pledged everything for Pakistan. On achieving […]