Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: corruption

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Be aware of what you buy as food, packed or unpacked, one way or another, everything here in Pakistan is fake, second grade or synthetic copy of a genuine edible food We in Pakistan are unable to form a sustainable political system that we can say is an accreditable system and yet at the same […]

pak rupee deficit

Worth of Pakistani Rupee in The Asian Market 2021

Worth of Pakistani Rupee in the Asian market 2021. Why It is lowest now in Imran’s era? The Fiscal and Monetary Policy are the two tools used by governments to collect money from its tax payers and for the circulation of money in the economy enabling local and foreign investors to act accordingly based on […]

Housing Societies Are Devouring Fertile Lands In Pakistan

Housing Societies Are Devouring Fertile Lands In Pakistan

Housing Societies Are Devouring The Fertile Lands In Pakistan. A Country Recognized as an Agriculture Economy and Food Rich Region, is Compelled to Import Basic Food Items. How Pathetic! Why Housing Societies Are Rising! Gigantic housing builders are fast devouring Pakistan’s agricultural and productive lands, which will have hazardous effects on our country’s food security […]

Domestic Violence Bill 2021 of Pakistan

Domestic Violence Bill 2021 of Pakistan

What’s New In The Bill? Why They Are Opposing The Bill! How it’ll be enforceable! In June 2021, the senate of Pakistan passed the domestic violence bill “prevention and protection” for women nationwide. It is surprising that only the president’s signature was required to make the bill become law. The Prime minister’s advisory on parliamentary […]

Integrity of being Pakistani – Is it really worth it?

Integrity of being Pakistani – Is it really worth it?

Is it really worth it? Do we deserve it? What we have given to our country? Born as a Pakistani is worth a million! Although we do not follow Islam as a true practicing Muslim in our country and neither we are grateful for having an independent homeland where we can practice Islam in a […]

Oppressed Citizens

Is Army Chief really the Entity to Call for Help?

Is Army Chief really the entity to call for help whenever something bad happens in the country, why the rape victims, land mafia victims, flood affected, socially neglected etc. call for help from the Army Chief in front of media? Where are the government representatives? In Pakistan all political parties are like properties of certain […]


Reasons for Bulbulay The Show being Highly Problematic

Repetitive dialogues, monotonous storyline laced with misogynistic undertones The only drama falls in this category is the Television Series “Bulbulay”. Bulbulay first aired on television in 2009, and had the highest TRP. For those who are not aware of TRPs, it stands for Target/Television Rating Point. It is a metric scale for calculating the targeted […]

child abuse in pakistan

Increasing Number of Child Molestation Cases in Pakistan

Every year, half of the world’s children are subjected to abuse. The perpetrator’s abuse and the survivor’s suffering, as well as the repercussions, are often hidden from public view. In every civilized society, child molestation or sexual abuse is an unspoken yet troubling question. In this age of globalization, it is critical to set aside […]

Entertainment Industry of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Entertainment Industry of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

We got our independence in year 1947 and after 74 years of our inception we are trying to run our country’s affairs with best suited political system in place. In our political system we have different ethnic political parties that belong to specific region or cultural belt and we recognize them as regional parties belonging […]

Dr Jekyll and Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the Modern Age

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is considered a timeless classic. Robert Louis Stevenson explores the eccentricity of a genius mind that tries to evade consequences by creating a body for his other evil side. That other evil has a hideous countenance and performs grave acts of cruelty. This side is named […]

Family Laws

Pakistani Family Laws Need Amendments

Pakistan is one of those countries of the world where centuries’ old family value are considered sacred and precision hence cherished with pride, but unfortunately this structure is crumbling. The global influences are seeping in and a structure of multi color and multi texture is forming. People have new priorities in life and their living […]

Catastrophe of Forcing Incentive of Luxury

Catastrophe of Forcing Incentive of Luxury

Any institute in Pakistan must be empowered with the task of selecting a honestly sincere leader for Pakistanis. Politicians suffering from vote bank sensitivity have been continuously damaging all the internal and international interests of the state since 1954 when they stretched their arms for falling to the lap of SEATO and CENTO forgetting the […]

quaid-e-azam said

Untackled Half of Terrorism

Among all the states of the world, particularly in case of Pakistan, one half of terrorism is due to noncompliance to fundamentals of establishment of the state. Pakistan’s Nazrea e Pakistan (Ideology of Pakistan) has been the fundamental of establishment of a state since early years of 20th century. The other half of terrorism is […]

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

It is story of drastic catastrophe in the face of daily repeated claims of progress without concretely defining what progress really means because generally progress is repeatedly mentioned mostly for attaining vote bank balance. To define progress keep the example of Malaysia, South Korea and Singapore, at the extreme of poverty level during 1950s and […]

Strategic Dealing with Public Needs

Strategic Dealing with Public Needs

Pakistani citizens are being subjected to fake promises in connection with regular power supply, for about quarter of a century. At the start of summer every year, people are consoled with assurance that load shedding will be subsided at the star of winter i.e. the month of November. The statement has been repeated recently during […]

Slaves to Luxury

Slaves to Luxury

Two qualified graduate doctors have been caught red handed in Lahore (Pakistan) by the end of April 2017, during operational transplant of illegally begotten kidneys. What could persuade these honorably employed and reasonably paid personnel to enter the realm of crime and corruption? The only answer is that they got cursed by worship to luxury. […]

Gullu butt with police

States’ Defence

Nations have survived repeated external aggressions as well as foreign occupations by the count of centuries but nations have been completely erased from the list of independent states as result of internal disunity and anti nation personal interests, by ruling groups and general public. Internal erosions perform half of the job of outside enemies. It […]

Death of a Patient on Hospital Floor

Death of a Patient on Hospital Floor

A heart cum kidney’s patient could not be afforded a bed and she expired on bare floor of Jinnah Hospital, Lahore on January 02, 2017. The incidence is a case of mockery of a state among the community of states including the under developed countries of the world. The incidence opens a whole volume of […]

Quaint Specie of Patriotism

Quaint Specie of Patriotism

Learned lot as well as scholars in Pakistan sincerely believe that most of the politicians, businessmen and well placed citizens surviving on unfair means of income, own Pakistani nationality simply for grabbing the states’ resources abundantly available. Their patriotism is simply a matter of deceit for the country and the nation. Here under are the […]

Forced to Migrate

Forced to Migrate

Among the low literacy states, India and some other countries have a row of a few dozen politicians whose honesty has never been challenged by any intelligence agency in the world. These politicians are the real leaders of their nation and their motherland. Unfortunately Pakistan has been deprived of becoming a part of such states. […]