Tag: pakistan politics

Is USA Really Going to Withdraw Troops from Afghanistan?
Is USA really going to withdraw troops from Afghanistan OR is it another gimmick? As we enter the third quarter of 2021 the emergence of new global superpowers, in particular China, its contribution and influence increases to the global economy. We see a shift from the US to China that was the only superpower that […]

Real Estate Developers are Devouring the Fertile Land of Pakistan
Concrete Terrorism Nobody Paying Attention Towards We are an agriculture-based country and our country’s majority population lives in villages. Majority of the people living in Pakistan are uneducated people and are unable to get a job that will earn them a decent living to support their families. By not being able to utilize this large […]

Claims of National Progress Analyzed
Hereunder are a few of the hints related to the claims of National Development and Progress in Pakistan:- In 1960 per capita income in South Korea and Pakistan were USD 900 and USD 300 respectively. Today these figures change over to: South Korea USD 25000 and Pakistan USD 1100, i.e. a difference of around 28 […]

Dacoits and Embezzlers Amend their Constitutional Provisions
Their patience and forbearance are really praise worthy. They steadfastly remained loyal to the provisions of their conventional constitution i.e. looting for survival, by the count of thousands of years. Verily all dacoities involve life risk. With the extinction of kings and rajas, the entire scenario of social life completely changed. Terminologies of democracy in […]

Fundamental for National Unity
Appreciations for practically decisive steps by the Army Chief against corruption, from every corner of the country, from Trijunction to Chitral, Badeen to Lahore and Bahawalnagar to Quetta, have formally settled the fundamental for national unity and solidarity. No specie of corruption must exist in the country. Not only corruption is terrorism in itself but […]

No Success without Tackling Root Cause
Atmosphere of corruption is mother of extremism, terrorism, luxury and wide spread crimes. Nursery of corruption disrupts rule of law and paves tracks for disintegration, dependence and slavery. Sustainable success against all types of miscreants can never be achieved without redressing the nursery of corruption. All of the tools of confrontation will prove futile without […]

Less Known Facts about Making Pakistan
The Daily DAWN of May 24, 2015 (Images, Page 04) has published a unique article from Mr. Nadeem Paracha. Very intricate corners of freedom struggle, probably never published before, have been brought to the knowledge of Pakistani citizens. One is surprized to know that Mr. Daniel Latefi who had been the versatile hero of earning […]

Defacing Democracy in Low Literacy
Foreword: Contents of this article appeal to the educated lot (University graduates, teachers, scholars, religious leaders and sincere sections of media) in low literacy states for guiding the uneducated masses to cast their votes in respect of honest and truthful candidates who know the meaning of patriotism (dedication, contributions and sacrifices) if at all customary […]

Allegations Exchange 2014
Leaders of the Sit In and representatives of the government are seriously blaming each other. There are charges of rigging of polls and widespread corruptions among members of the government. The government side rejects allegations and blames the Sit In side for their abusive language. Most recently the government side has been polite enough to […]

Protest March Statements Analysed
Parts of speeches and statements, by various leaders, during ‘Inqlab / Azadi March’ 2014, are noteworthy. These are liable to comments towards authenticity and meaningfulness. These cannot be termed as mere parts of a speech because these bear a conclusive reflection towards regards for the listeners. Just go through these along with comments that follow. […]

Negotiation with TTP Made Model
“We had been busy in saving our doors from Termites. It was later discovered that some worms of chairs hollowed the whole home”. To start with, examine following activities of the governing team members, in the light of democracy and constitution as well as in the light of civilized behavior on the sacred negotiation table, […]

Pakistani Politicians’ Confessions of Incompetence
It stands to be a stunning catastrophe that the educated and illiterate lot of Pakistani citizens equally ignores Pakistani politicians’ confessions of incompetence, whereas the world’s vigilant politicians receive these as rare pieces of amusement and free entertainment. Pakistani politicians additionally resort to undeclared confessions that they grab the ruling chairs and Assembly seats for […]

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Speaks
On the basis of his speech of August 17, 2014 evening, Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri has emerged to be a selfless patriotic leader with a vision never put to explicit expression by any other big or small leader in the history of Pakistan. Every single sentence of his speech clear headedly explains the highly destructive aliments that […]

Dr. Tahir ul Qadri and Inqlab
Partiality devoid of justice and sincerity is evil causing multidirectional problems for mankind and generations to come. As sacred a relationship as mother does not deserve it. If you are a judge and a factual criminal case against your mother awaits verdict, the punishment must be declared without an iota of hesitation. Dr. Tahir ul […]

Fall of Centuries Old Standards
Here is news: Islamabad – Despite heavy investment in higher education sector during last fourteen years, Pakistan failed to make its place among top hundred universities of Asia (“The New” Dated: June 29, 2014). History of education standards goes centuries back prior to British occupation of the subcontinent. Primitive educational institutions possess honour of passing […]

Only For Us
During the last six decades period after the World War II, some of the low literacy states continued to suffer from miserable gradual downfall in every aspect related to honourable survival. Such downfall is all the more catastrophic in relation to such states that had a history of self supported existence, if not quite developed. […]

Wishful Prophecies before Site work
To be afraid of a gun that has not fired yet, bears least strategic value. At the same time floating boisterous claims in media months before spade work for a project, give every indication of faltering state of indecision. Such attitude is failure at the very box office. Just note the wishful poetic statement of […]

The Bullet and the Brain
All sections of human society worldwide will condemn the act of firing on Malala Yusafzai. There is every possibility of contempt of the firing even among the Taliban themselves. In Pakistan prayers for recovery of the child are being arranged in offices and schools. Some so called politicians continue talking of use of power and […]

Gilani indicted: Kaira says sad day for Pakistan
Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Yousuf Raza Gilani has been indicted by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in a Contempt of Court Case. The Supreme Court announced the final verdict against Mr. Gilani upon his refusal to reopen corruption cases against President Asif Ali Zardari. The ruling party PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party) has entitled this […]