Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tag: pakistan corruption

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Be aware of what you buy as food, packed or unpacked, one way or another, everything here in Pakistan is fake, second grade or synthetic copy of a genuine edible food We in Pakistan are unable to form a sustainable political system that we can say is an accreditable system and yet at the same […]

divorce rate in Pakistan

Divorce Rate In Pakistan

Divorce Rate Ratios Are Increasing In Pakistan But Why! It Must Be Addressed Before It Gets Too ​Late In Pakistan, where 97 percent of people follow the Islamic religion, marriage is considered a sacred event. Islam teaches all Muslims to build relationships or, in the case of differences, to rebuild relationships between husband and wife. […]

Domestic Violence Bill 2021 of Pakistan

Domestic Violence Bill 2021 of Pakistan

What’s New In The Bill? Why They Are Opposing The Bill! How it’ll be enforceable! In June 2021, the senate of Pakistan passed the domestic violence bill “prevention and protection” for women nationwide. It is surprising that only the president’s signature was required to make the bill become law. The Prime minister’s advisory on parliamentary […]

Oppressed Citizens

Is Army Chief really the Entity to Call for Help?

Is Army Chief really the entity to call for help whenever something bad happens in the country, why the rape victims, land mafia victims, flood affected, socially neglected etc. call for help from the Army Chief in front of media? Where are the government representatives? In Pakistan all political parties are like properties of certain […]

madrasssa abuse

Why Madrassa Students are Easy Target of Sexual Abuse?

The question we must ask every Pakistani living in our society is that is the Madrassas only institution or group of individuals where such incidence of sexual abuse take place unfortunately it’s not. It’s very much untrue indeed we see very few or negligible cases in Madrassas but as the white sheet or clothes are […]

Automobile Sector in Pakistan

Automobile Sector in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the automobile industry ever since Japanese automakers came to Pakistan in 1970’s all vehicles were assembled in Japan and later, they shifted assembly plants to export markets to save cost and maximize profitability. In Pakistan’s last 50 years of auto car history for sure Toyota remains the top selling brand ever since day […]


Reasons for Bulbulay The Show being Highly Problematic

Repetitive dialogues, monotonous storyline laced with misogynistic undertones The only drama falls in this category is the Television Series “Bulbulay”. Bulbulay first aired on television in 2009, and had the highest TRP. For those who are not aware of TRPs, it stands for Target/Television Rating Point. It is a metric scale for calculating the targeted […]

child abuse in pakistan

Increasing Number of Child Molestation Cases in Pakistan

Every year, half of the world’s children are subjected to abuse. The perpetrator’s abuse and the survivor’s suffering, as well as the repercussions, are often hidden from public view. In every civilized society, child molestation or sexual abuse is an unspoken yet troubling question. In this age of globalization, it is critical to set aside […]


Tolerance in Every Religion

Religion is a sensitive subject for everyone, no matter what context it comes up in and where it’s being discussed. There have been many instances where it’s been easy to be tolerant of others and the ideas. However, we are not ready to listen and pay any attention. What happens to educated, intellectual human beings […]


The Irrevocable Nihilism of Pakistan

United by religion, divided by the lack thereof Chaos comes from ignorance. Chaos comes from confusion. Chaos comes from dogmas and the inability to broaden one’s horizons limiting the mind to be a dark narrow prison. Ideology is what moved many Indian Muslims to start a struggle for independence. The unified ideology was one of […]

pakistan monument

Pakistan’s Cultural Identity Crisis

According to Oxford Dictionary, culture can be defined as, ideas, customs or social behavior of a particular person or a society. It is the mixture of customary set of beliefs of a race or some ethnic or social group. Culture is therefore necessarily used to formulate an identity comprising of certain characteristic traits that can […]

caste class

The Castes That Divide Us

While the national understanding of classism grows, caste remains a fairly untouched matter Growing old in a Punjabi middle-class family can teach you a thing or two about castes. Everything from who you should eat with to whom you are allowed to marry is indoctrinated within our minds. It is such a normalized concept that […]

Aurat March

Aurat March – A Symbol of Anarchy

Aurat March, Aurat community, Aurat Rights, this word ‘Aurat’ has become something which seems out of this world, an alien entity and is in search of its identity and a secure place to settle down and grow. This is how badly it has been used and negatively propagated by people / gangs, want to divide […]

Family Laws

Pakistani Family Laws Need Amendments

Pakistan is one of those countries of the world where centuries’ old family value are considered sacred and precision hence cherished with pride, but unfortunately this structure is crumbling. The global influences are seeping in and a structure of multi color and multi texture is forming. People have new priorities in life and their living […]

Degeneration of the Superior Traditional Conduct

Degeneration of the Superior Traditional Conduct

People of the detached territory named Pakistan, are not going to recollect and readopted the grandeur of great human qualities that formed the distinguished part of their character and conduct in the past, unless a transparent analysis of their past and present is not explicitly explained to them. Hereunder is the confession by British Lord […]

1947 massacre

The Wretched Specie of Traitors

Only classified prime traitors can indulge in corruptions and embezzlements in a country procured at the historically highest cost of massacre of year 1947, and only persons absolutely devoid of all elements of conscience and dignity can forget the massacre and devastation of year 1947. Hereunder note and feel the barbaric tortures, physical and mental, […]

Lee Kuan Yew

Claims of National Progress Analyzed

Hereunder are a few of the hints related to the claims of National Development and Progress in Pakistan:- In 1960 per capita income in South Korea and Pakistan were USD 900 and USD 300 respectively. Today these figures change over to: South Korea USD 25000 and Pakistan USD 1100, i.e. a difference of around 28 […]

Lessons from Innocent Zainab’s Fate

Lessons from Innocent Zainab’s Fate

All Pakistanis are categorically responsible for what happened to innocent child Zainab and so many other children in District Kasur. These heinous incidents give every indication of well planned categories of crimes. Why and how? Undermining disease of personality cult has devoured our sense of prime humanitarian responsibilities for bringing forth selfless patriotic leaders who […]

Mahathir Mohammad

Shaping a People Over to a Nation

Process of formation of a worth full product is far more difficult a process than procurement of its constituents materials. Getting a piece of land on pretext of independence is only a starting step for reaching the apex. People of the territory procured in the name of Pakistan have following historical characteristics and acquired traditional […]

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

It is story of drastic catastrophe in the face of daily repeated claims of progress without concretely defining what progress really means because generally progress is repeatedly mentioned mostly for attaining vote bank balance. To define progress keep the example of Malaysia, South Korea and Singapore, at the extreme of poverty level during 1950s and […]