Tag: pakistan resolution
Less Known Facts about Making Pakistan
The Daily DAWN of May 24, 2015 (Images, Page 04) has published a unique article from Mr. Nadeem Paracha. Very intricate corners of freedom struggle, probably never published before, have been brought to the knowledge of Pakistani citizens. One is surprized to know that Mr. Daniel Latefi who had been the versatile hero of earning […]
An Impartial Analysis of Sixty Years of Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan
By: Yash Pal Singh Karlra – A citizen of the world (This article deals only with the Islamic atmosphere in Pakistan. Political, economical, law & order, corruption and crimes as well as disregard to the judiciary are not the topics under discussion). No country of the world will ever forget the break up of Bharat […]
Forgetting THE CAUSE and THE COST
By the most liberal and generous analysis of sixty years’ performance by Pakistani governments and politicians, keeping in view the state of deterioration in every aspect of life in the country (except for crimes-boosting TV / Cable sex displays, women models, theaters, fashion shows, singers etc), three facts are fairly concluded: Purposes, for which Pakistan […]
Species of Politicians in Declared Corrupt States of the world
Foreword: Yearly reports of Transparency International, especially those for years 2009 and 2010, are the basis of this brief article. Misuse of terminologies and elements of prevailing shape of Democracy, in the declared corrupt states, has caused perennial sufferings for all classes of the citizens, particularly for the poor, accelerating boost of diseases, crimes and […]