Monday, February 17, 2025

Distracted Journalism in Pakistan

There is an article about the accession of provinces and tribal areas over to territories of Pakistan, in Sunday Magazine of Nawa e Waqt, Dated May 03, 2015. The newspaper is quite old and well known but there is not a gesture of reference to the context for publishing such particular article at a time when all of these accessed areas are burning with extremism and showers of bombs and missiles including foreign missiles attacks. For any citizen of the globe, it is difficult to decide whether or not the article relates to history, tributes to accession or mere mockery of continuing circumstances. If it is history there is no atmosphere for the refresher course of past circumstances. If it is tribute, the purposes of accession to Pakistan are far from compliance. The accessions strictly commanded honour of surrender to an Islamic State and hundred percent names of personalities convincing the people of the area, mentioned in the article, were spiritual leaders and Islamic scholars. At the end, publishing the article at apex of ensuing circumstances in the annexed areas might very well be mockery of what is presently going on and what was nucleus of becoming a part of Islami Jamahiriya Pakistan. These are our standards of journalism in low literacy state. The politicians make full use of low literacy of citizens and equally enough the learned journalists make use of their simplicity.

The territory had been separated from Bharat at the cost of 1947 historical massacre and tyrannies to Muslims’ population scattered in various parts of Bharat and Kashmir. The shape of Pakistan that anybody can see is that its sustainabilities in respect of Islamic values have been completely trespassed by models, fashion shows, musical concerts, singing, mixed sex dances and terminal stages of corruptions and crimes. This declared and permitted controversial atmosphere has given birth to extremism which speaks openly that accession of areas to Pakistan has been betrayed.

The spirit of accession was sincere and honest but it has been clearly violated and trespassed by the governance systems. Any non Muslim citizen of the world will justifiably stress that purposes of separation from India must be fulfilled. The Islamic parts of constitution stand suspended. Non Islamic atmosphere is dominating profusely. Advertisements are getting more and more sexually aggressive causing a boost to sex crimes and sex promiscuity. Aggressive Indian advertisements are being given time and space on state TV. Are these signs of remorse of getting separated from India?


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