Monday, February 17, 2025

Tag: corrupt tactics

Integrity of being Pakistani – Is it really worth it?

Integrity of being Pakistani – Is it really worth it?

Is it really worth it? Do we deserve it? What we have given to our country? Born as a Pakistani is worth a million! Although we do not follow Islam as a true practicing Muslim in our country and neither we are grateful for having an independent homeland where we can practice Islam in a […]


Reasons for Bulbulay The Show being Highly Problematic

Repetitive dialogues, monotonous storyline laced with misogynistic undertones The only drama falls in this category is the Television Series “Bulbulay”. Bulbulay first aired on television in 2009, and had the highest TRP. For those who are not aware of TRPs, it stands for Target/Television Rating Point. It is a metric scale for calculating the targeted […]

Strategic Dealing with Public Needs

Strategic Dealing with Public Needs

Pakistani citizens are being subjected to fake promises in connection with regular power supply, for about quarter of a century. At the start of summer every year, people are consoled with assurance that load shedding will be subsided at the star of winter i.e. the month of November. The statement has been repeated recently during […]

Business Oriented Private Schools / Colleges

Business Oriented Private Schools / Colleges

Absence of character building factors in education system of a country and misguiding illiterate masses by politicians for vote bank perpetuates process of ruining a nation from two opposite ends. Absence of positive character among the members ruins a family, a tribe or a dynasty and more seriously it destroys a whole nation. A honestly […]

Political Ignorance is a Disease

Political Ignorance is a Disease

“We all are born mad; some remain so.” –– (Samuel Beckett) Political atmosphere is almost at its boiling point in Pakistan these days. Every nation goes through such period in their developing time. It helps cleanse the political thinking and democratic approach of the society. Political debates and arguments open citizens’ minds and make them […]

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Acquisition of a piece of a land serves little towards freedom and independence of the occupants of territory. Contributions by far sighted versatile statesmen are must to comb the countrymen into disciplines of unity justice and honesty in formation of a real nation. Availability of requisite statesmen in low literacy corrupt states is next to […]

Pakistani Politicians’ Confessions of Incompetence

Pakistani Politicians’ Confessions of Incompetence

It stands to be a stunning catastrophe that the educated and illiterate lot of Pakistani citizens equally ignores Pakistani politicians’ confessions of incompetence, whereas the world’s vigilant politicians receive these as rare pieces of amusement and free entertainment. Pakistani politicians additionally resort to undeclared confessions that they grab the ruling chairs and Assembly seats for […]

Crimes Beyond Limits

Crimes Beyond Limits

Remarks of Chief Justice, Peshawar High Court (Pakistan) ‘Government is not functioning’. Government officers are involved in business of fake medicines. Eighty percent fake medicine come from Punjab’, (Pakistani channel Royal News 03:40 PM on October 22, 2013), target governments of two provinces i.e. Khyber PK and Punjab. Although the final verdict will be awaited […]

Masses Excessively Ready to Believe Things

Masses Excessively Ready to Believe Things

When the people are excessively ready to believe in things without any ground work whatsoever, why then the unreliable persons with no practical background not be fooling them. We all have heard the story of Pied Piper who gathered the children with his mesmerizing and enchanting music and lured them to come with him to […]

Descent of Corruption

Descent of Corruption

Hundred percent eradication of corruption is not possible. It must however remain controlled to indicate governance in a state. Serious corruption in a state affixes sign of interrogation against the political system and competence of the ruling politicians. List of yearly declared corrupt states include many of the developed countries. Most of whom continue to […]

Maintaining Defunct Luxurious Living

Maintaining Defunct Luxurious Living

Custom of strategy of dominating and impressing human beings by lust of luxurious standards, surpassingly costly dresses, outstanding physical postures and poetic meaningless expressions, ended with the arrival of Holly Jesus Christ (PBUH), who instructed for honestly, simplicity and truthfulness. The instructions formed basic part of teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Incompetent individuals insisting upon […]

Election Campaign

Gradual Fall of Nations

Two consecutive Sundays (Daily Dawn, April 29, 2012 and May 06, 2012) have brought forth two articles one after the other, discussing deterioration and ultimate downfall of nations / states. First one of these deals with inclusive and extractive institutions causing the rise and fall of nations. As for the subject matter the writer has […]

Corrupt Politicians Adding Countries to List of Corrupt States

Corrupt Politicians Adding Countries to List of Corrupt States

In a declared Corrupt State, teenagers do feel degraded. They have a question in mind ‘why are we citizens of a corrupt state when we have done nothing wrong in the interest of the country?’ They are too innocent to understand that corrupt politicians are responsible for the situation. These so called politicians know little […]