Crimes Beyond Limits
Remarks of Chief Justice, Peshawar High Court (Pakistan) ‘Government is not functioning’. Government officers are involved in business of fake medicines. Eighty percent fake medicine come from Punjab’, (Pakistani channel Royal News 03:40 PM on October 22, 2013), target governments of two provinces i.e. Khyber PK and Punjab. Although the final verdict will be awaited yet the observations of Chief Justice do carry weight. The groups of officers involved in both provinces don’t belong to low paid category. Inspite of that their heinous approach to gain mercilessly illegal riches has crossed all limits. Cruel individuals obstructing the process of curing patients, including citizens of all ages, will never hesitate to do anything destructive against the state and the people. They are multiple times more dangerous and disruptive than the terrorists and extremists. When public servants paid from public funds start massacre of the patients and diseased amongst the public, everything whatsoever related to the survival of the state becomes utterly doubtful and unreliable. They doubtlessly belong to gangs responsible for massacre of Muslims in Ahmadabad (India) during year 2002 and massacre of Rohingyas in Myanmar. Every one of them must be nipped right now or they will become the cause of destroying the whole country. Whatever be their names and status, they practically do not believe in any religion, code of ethics and sanctity of any human relationship. They worship riches to feed the devouring hell of luxury and keep acquiring it from any source whatsoever. For them human beings and nation have no meaning at all. The least punishment for everyone of them must be hanging to death in public at road crossings in capitals of the two provinces. Thinking of the new born babies, ailing children, women and aged adults, nobody will differ from the proposed punishment.
When highly paid public servants of the government play with the lives and health of the people, how is it possible to condemn foreign attacks? A nation being stabbed from within must furiously react to roundup the culprits.
Their must be a root cause of such disastrous anti human and anti state crimes in this country under heavy foreign debts. The root cause is the luxurious lifestyle of most of the politicians and the individuals in top governance chairs of this country, extremely influenced by ill defined ‘vote bank’ through display of luxurious lifestyle. Every member of every government department is infected with desire for luxury. Sources of maintaining luxury are ever lastingly cursed with insatiating thirst and hunger. Ever more demands of day by day changing styles of luxury create an atmosphere of looting, grabbing and usurping.
Recovery of the patients and the state emphatically demand a merciless atomic type aggression against all elements of luxurious lifestyle. Unfortunately there is no saviour in sight. If a single person to proceed against luxury is not available, formation of selflessly dedicated and sincere intelligence experts, police officers and in-uniform officers of defence forces will have to be assigned the job of clearance to achieve the extinction of luxury which is the mother of all evils and crime of all species known to mankind.
Category: Health
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