Tag: live healthy
Why is Sleep Important and What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep?
Sleep is critical for our survival and well-being. We all know that it makes us feel terrific, powerful, and attentive, as well as capable of dealing with the obstacles that emerge in everyday life. But why is it so important? What are the advantages of having good sleep and what happens if you don’t get […]
Iron Deficiency Anemia among children of Pakistan
The most common type of anemia observed in children as well as in women is Iron deficiency anemia, which is a very common nutritional deficiency seen around the world. Iron deficiency anemia is a particular form of anemia in which the blood does not contain enough healthy red blood cells. The oxygen-carrying red blood cells […]
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which is manifested as speech problems, delays in speech, inability to communicate with people, behavioral issues, cognitive impairment and social anxiety. It’s been considered that there is a huge increase in autism with each growing day. The figure might vary but 1 out of 68 children is diagnosed on autism […]
Food Additives: Danger to our Health
You open a packet of potato crisps or some crunch, Salty corn snacks thinking you are just going to eat one but moments later, your fingers are scraping the bottom of the bag. All gone, leaving you wanting more but… guilty? But wait, it is not your fault. The culprit is MSG or Ajinomoto –– […]
General Health Precautions
Following health tips collected from various sources and various modes of research in maintaining human physical and mental health, are recorded hereunder. Any health precaution doubtful for a particular individual maybe ignored and not followed. In general, these tips guarantee a long healthy and happy life which becomes source of incentive for many others. A […]
Care For Your Liver
Most of us put our principle organs to unusual and abnormal tests. Heart, liver and kidneys are most affected. These three organs especially work continuously to keep us in fair good health. In spite of so many occasional blunders by us, the inbuilt repair system of these organs keeps us healthy and active. If excesses […]
Health Clues at Finger Tips
Some of the best clues to the state of the health could be at your fingertips. Nails are such a good indicators of possible illness that doctors are recommended to examine them as routinely, as checking blood pressure. Nails, just like hairs, are non essential organs, so are one of the first places the bloody […]
Health through Exercise and Proper Diet
Human beings will remain grateful to Mr. Jack Lalanne (previously named John Lalanne) for his exemplary guidance for maintenance of health through regular daily exercise and nourishing simple diet. At age of 95, he is an embodiment of perfect good health with amazing strength and stamina. There is hardly any example in the past and […]