Pakistanis’ Commitments for Creating a New State
Pakistani TV / Cable channels are worstly negating and insulting the very CAUSE of finding this new state, created at the cost of countless innocent lives, chastity, property and families. The TV / Cable channels’ presentations are ridiculing the very name i.e. Islamic Jamhuria Pakistan. Verily TV screen displays of women body parts in theaters, fashion shows, advertisements and modeling, are neither Islamic nor Pak. Younger generation of this highly conservative region is being spoiled resulting in boost of sex and multiple crimes and causing split-up of family set-ups. Daily news papers stand as proof.
By all elements of justice and fairness, it stands as the accountable responsibility (on the Day of Judgment), on the part of every scholar, educationist, lawyer, and religious leader to perpetually keep the TV/Cable displays in line with the CAUSE of creation of Pakistan, through horrible process of PARTITION. THE CAUSE, due to which, Muslims in Kashmir and parts of India continue to sacrifice and suffer mercilessly. Affording due respect to the mode of sacrifices for creation of this state, even a judicious Hindu will plead for abiding by the CAUSE of PARTITION.
At exceptionally high cost that had been paid and continues to be paid by Muslims of Kashmir and India, we procured a new state on the basis of defined commitments. Now the prevailing situation in Pakistan gives every indication of defacing of our own commitments. Integral element of this new state’s survival is connected to active practical respect for our commitments, which additionally embower due respect for the mode of living of hundred percent of our ladies and gentlemen of all religions, maintained through thousands of years of history. This will certainly rid a section of our people, of the sense of inferiority that is displayed in minutely copying for every touch of living.
It is emphatically requested to all who respect and care for justice, to press upon governments and politicians of Pakistan to act strictly in line with THE CAUSE of creation of Pakistan. In all fairness, in case of Pakistan THE CAUSE stands first and everything else only the subsequent.
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