Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: corrupt politicians

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Be aware of what you buy as food, packed or unpacked, one way or another, everything here in Pakistan is fake, second grade or synthetic copy of a genuine edible food We in Pakistan are unable to form a sustainable political system that we can say is an accreditable system and yet at the same […]

Housing Societies Are Devouring Fertile Lands In Pakistan

Housing Societies Are Devouring Fertile Lands In Pakistan

Housing Societies Are Devouring The Fertile Lands In Pakistan. A Country Recognized as an Agriculture Economy and Food Rich Region, is Compelled to Import Basic Food Items. How Pathetic! Why Housing Societies Are Rising! Gigantic housing builders are fast devouring Pakistan’s agricultural and productive lands, which will have hazardous effects on our country’s food security […]

Oppressed Citizens

Is Army Chief really the Entity to Call for Help?

Is Army Chief really the entity to call for help whenever something bad happens in the country, why the rape victims, land mafia victims, flood affected, socially neglected etc. call for help from the Army Chief in front of media? Where are the government representatives? In Pakistan all political parties are like properties of certain […]

Degeneration of the Superior Traditional Conduct

Degeneration of the Superior Traditional Conduct

People of the detached territory named Pakistan, are not going to recollect and readopted the grandeur of great human qualities that formed the distinguished part of their character and conduct in the past, unless a transparent analysis of their past and present is not explicitly explained to them. Hereunder is the confession by British Lord […]

Lee Kuan Yew

Claims of National Progress Analyzed

Hereunder are a few of the hints related to the claims of National Development and Progress in Pakistan:- In 1960 per capita income in South Korea and Pakistan were USD 900 and USD 300 respectively. Today these figures change over to: South Korea USD 25000 and Pakistan USD 1100, i.e. a difference of around 28 […]

Catastrophe of Forcing Incentive of Luxury

Catastrophe of Forcing Incentive of Luxury

Any institute in Pakistan must be empowered with the task of selecting a honestly sincere leader for Pakistanis. Politicians suffering from vote bank sensitivity have been continuously damaging all the internal and international interests of the state since 1954 when they stretched their arms for falling to the lap of SEATO and CENTO forgetting the […]

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

It is story of drastic catastrophe in the face of daily repeated claims of progress without concretely defining what progress really means because generally progress is repeatedly mentioned mostly for attaining vote bank balance. To define progress keep the example of Malaysia, South Korea and Singapore, at the extreme of poverty level during 1950s and […]

Strategic Dealing with Public Needs

Strategic Dealing with Public Needs

Pakistani citizens are being subjected to fake promises in connection with regular power supply, for about quarter of a century. At the start of summer every year, people are consoled with assurance that load shedding will be subsided at the star of winter i.e. the month of November. The statement has been repeated recently during […]

Dacoits and Embezzlers Amend their Constitutional Provisions

Dacoits and Embezzlers Amend their Constitutional Provisions

Their patience and forbearance are really praise worthy. They steadfastly remained loyal to the provisions of their conventional constitution i.e. looting for survival, by the count of thousands of years. Verily all dacoities involve life risk. With the extinction of kings and rajas, the entire scenario of social life completely changed. Terminologies of democracy in […]

Lord Macaulay

Slave Generations in Free States

Slave Generations in Free States Prelude: Poetic expressions and personality cult serve little for devising the national character. These also have nothing to do with the solidarity and sustainability of a people. “Sultani e Jamhur” i.e. democracy has utterly failed in case of low literacy peoples. This philosophy for such states, has proved to be […]

Slaves to Luxury

Slaves to Luxury

Two qualified graduate doctors have been caught red handed in Lahore (Pakistan) by the end of April 2017, during operational transplant of illegally begotten kidneys. What could persuade these honorably employed and reasonably paid personnel to enter the realm of crime and corruption? The only answer is that they got cursed by worship to luxury. […]

Aaj TV on PM Modi

Aaj TV on PM Modi

By repeatedly displaying uncivil abusive remarks about PM Modi of India (July 25, 2015 afternoon), Aaj TV of Pakistan has contributed to further deterioration of already controversial image of Pakistani citizens. Apprehension that it might have been triggered with the push of some anti-Pakistan agencies of the world, bear sound weight. Among all the countries […]

No Success without Tackling Root Cause

No Success without Tackling Root Cause

Atmosphere of corruption is mother of extremism, terrorism, luxury and wide spread crimes. Nursery of corruption disrupts rule of law and paves tracks for disintegration, dependence and slavery. Sustainable success against all types of miscreants can never be achieved without redressing the nursery of corruption. All of the tools of confrontation will prove futile without […]

Future Status of Pakistan

Future Status of Pakistan

Article by Ms. Shazia Hassan through article headed ‘Like Sugar in Milk’ in Daily DAWN of March 22, 2015, is an excellent contribution against running political system of Pakistan. The state will become a least corrupt welfare state only when people owning the qualities of personalities mentioned in the article, join politics to serve this country […]


Defacing Democracy in Low Literacy

Foreword: Contents of this article appeal to the educated lot (University graduates, teachers, scholars, religious leaders and sincere sections of media) in low literacy states for guiding the uneducated masses to cast their votes in respect of honest and truthful candidates who know the meaning of patriotism (dedication, contributions and sacrifices) if at all customary […]


Allegations Exchange 2014

Leaders of the Sit In and representatives of the government are seriously blaming each other. There are charges of rigging of polls and widespread corruptions among members of the government. The government side rejects allegations and blames the Sit In side for their abusive language. Most recently the government side has been polite enough to […]

Hazards Under Corrupts’ Governance

Hazards Under Corrupts’ Governance

Corrupt rulers not releasing corruptions’ incentives for citizens or citizens immune to temptations of corruptions learnt from corrupt rulers, will certainly prove true only when a domestic sparrow, with a wild elephant at its back, will fly towards the North Pole. Widespread corruptions dominating the atmosphere of the country, settle the status of rulers. Corrupts […]

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Acquisition of a piece of a land serves little towards freedom and independence of the occupants of territory. Contributions by far sighted versatile statesmen are must to comb the countrymen into disciplines of unity justice and honesty in formation of a real nation. Availability of requisite statesmen in low literacy corrupt states is next to […]

Students in Open and Under Dangerous Roof

Students in Open and Under Dangerous Roof

Universal truth stands: ‘Corruptions always descend from top down to bottom’. And bottom includes every nuke of human society viz faith, worship, family, relations, business, sincerity, patriotism ­­–– a corrupt leader will surrender everything related to state and nation in return for personal gains ––  friendship, commitments, promises, confidence, morality, etc.  Mankind has never experienced […]

Justice to Rule

Justice to Rule

No known political system is effective without impartial and uninterfered Justice. Democracy, secularism, communism, socialism, etc. are devised by mankind and human is to err. Justice owns divine honour and provides solutions for ultimate good and as such it must possess prime status instead of a subjective institution. In the guise of creating unity, political […]