Eliminating Corrupts from Politics
Greatest service to the state and the nation on the part of sincerely honest patriotic politicians and citizens, is to eternally block way of corrupt politicians for entry into houses of parliament and the governing power chairs. Governing positions must be occupied by honest and truthful patriots. Very simple and doubtlessly effective suggestions for achieving this indispensible goal, are listed in the last paragraph below.
Corrupt politicians are nucleus of major and minor troubles and disasters related to economic, law and order, complex crimes and extremism problems faced by a nation. They are the creatures whose domain of concern is strictly restricted to inside of their skin. In certain cases they use even their family members in exchange for personal benefits of their choice. This is very much matter of the course. An individual who does not care for millions of children, women and men of the nation can never posses merciful concern for his family members. Any apparent good that oozes out of their actions is infact a dodging move for gaining something that can not be achieved without doing that good. With that they prove to be the most heinous embodiment of abuse to human community. Their existence and participation in political process of a country continues to be the cause of miseries faced by every citizen of any age including patients, disabled, special persons and the deprived individuals.
Corrupt politicians are even source of many international problems as well. For virtually valueless foreign bank transactions into their account, they will cost their vote in favour of something they clearly know is wrong in all aspects. If some usurping country is resorting to atrocities, corrupt politicians will favour the usurper and not the victim. They are always party to anyone who cares to feed their egos.
Corrupt politicians paving their way up to the states’ power chairs through fraud and hundred percent false promises, generate poisonous effects for every citizen on state’s ground, for generations to come. With passing of every month, they serve a backlash of decades to the nation. They always have an unconditional “yes” to every part of foreign dictation and a straight “no” to any patriotic’s righteous suggestion by any opposition politician who cares for the nation. Being anti state, anti nation and anti human, they appear to be embowering all the characteristics attributed to devil in all the Holy Books.
Corrupt politicians are fathers of luxurious lifestyle which in return is the mother of all evils, corruptions, crimes, degeneration and oppression. This is because they do not have any quality, whatsoever, for which they can earn respect from the citizens around. Super dresses, residential places, super cars and kingly meals served by a whole battalion of servants, all managed out of their illegitimate sources of pooling money, stand to be the only tools which can earn them wily nily respect from the depressed and duped innocent masses. And factually these very masses are the deep dug pillars bearing the passage leading to power chairs. These very ignorant masses believe in their false deceptive promises, ever changing new shapes during every election campaign.
Take the example of a single low literacy state (below 85% high school graduates among the adult population) that has acquired a serial of worst corrupt states of the world and minutely analyze its status in the light of contents of above fours paragraphs. You will find that every ingredient precisely coincides with the circumstances of that country ruined by corrupt politicians. Still nobody can round up these culprits due to their highly minute research and approach to escape the clauses of the law. If anybody succeeds in splitting up their intricate web, they will bring the masses on roads with slogan ‘our great innocent leader’.
The question arises, where do they come from, and why they joined politics. They generally grow in low literacy states, although sometimes they carve their way through tight disciplines of developed nations as well. In low literacy corrupt states, they find politics to be the most beneficial medium for easy, riskless and quick access to riches got from foreign transactions, embezzlement in states’ funds, voluminous cash shares for various legal and illegal permissions. No other business on earth can yield such quick heavy returns. So the single step forward by a leading corrupt politician adds to serious miseries for the citizens of the states.
It is not at all difficult to stop the entry of corrupt politicians into the houses of parliaments of states. They generally join political parties for receiving the development funds for their constituencies. According to careful assessments 90% to 95% of their development funds go to the development of their personal properties. Five percent to ten percent funds used for developments for public facilities, are merely for show and fake book keeping. Works completed do not involve any related expert supervision and control due to which streets, roads, drainage systems, etc, start eroding within months. Very few sincerely honest members of the assemblies perform honest and proper development works in their areas. Development works for citizens is the job of proper organizations having regularly paid engineers and workmen for proper construction and maintenance. Eliminating the practice of allocation of funds and all kinds of interferences with development works and elimination of all preferential bank loans facilities to the members of the assemblies will completely block the way for corrupt individuals joining political parties and by and by paving way over to grabbing the states’ power chairs merely for looting, embezzlements and foreign payments. So if job of assemblies’ members is strictly restricted to attending the assemblies with proposals / suggestions for the states and citizens, entry of corrupts completely ends. Only those individuals will start contesting the elections who are really concerned for the state and citizens. It is concluded that only learned and wise lot of people will enter assemblies to solve nations’ problems. No access to money and loans will leave no interest with the corrupt individuals to proceed for an uphill steep path. This will also put an end to political enmities and murders. Anybody can prove that the proposal will work perfectly. Inspite of that states continuing the on going practice simply prove that they want corruption to survive at usual full swing. Here under is list of proposals perfectly and eternally blocking the entry of corrupt individuals into the political activities of low literacy states, in general:-
1- No access to the development funds for members of assemblies.
2- No interference in the developments works by authorized departments and bodies throughout the country, by any assembly member.
3- Zero financial powers for elected members.
4- No preferential facilities of bank loans for elected members.
5- No exclusive protocol and VIP status for members of assemblies. Two world known assembly members of a low literacy state walked for quite some distance from their hotel to assembly hall for an international conference in year 1972. Both of these gentlemen were anti protocol and anti VIP status.
6- Salaries of provincial and federal ministers must be commensurate with their educational levels. Most justified salaries package is suggested to be as under:-
(a) Ministers holding university degrees (graduates, post graduates and above) may be awarded monthly salaries and allowances of a lecturer of any government degree college.
(b) Matriculate ministers deserve the monthly pay scale and allowances of a non gazetted senior official.
(c) Under high school graduate or uneducated ministers may be considered for monthly salaries and allowances paid to a senior subordinate of a non gazetted officer.
7- Chief Ministers, the Prime Minister and the President must serve the nation without any monthly salary. The amounts of monthly subsistence allowance for everyone of them may be fixed by the Accountant General of the state, whereas, such subsistence allowances may not be more than 60% of monthly salary of an Army Major General of the Defence Forces.
As stated above, elected members are meant for in house presentation of suggestions and proposals to help and guide the governing team for national interests. It becomes the worry of the government to take action for welfare of the citizens. Actively involving the elected members in matters which are exclusive responsibility of established government departments and institutions give a start to corruptions and crimes.
It may be mentioned that particularly in case of under developed low literacy states, states declared seriously corrupt and states under heavy foreign debts, all elements of justice and fairness demand that services to the nations and the states are not at all sources of savings and bank balance. Only such patriots are required to contest elections for entering assemblies who can serve free of fees for the four, five or seven years of tenure. Such miserable states do not need experienced politicians, expert in explainging as to why problems can not be solved without achieving heavy foreign debts. A learned politician with concern for the nation takes a start and succeeds. Sincerity and sense of deep concern for nation are strewn with supernatural magnetic fields that dissolve difficulties which are Himalaya for greedy and showy experienced politician. Like education and medical treatment, states’ politics is a subject that must be devoid of savings, storing and pooling riches.
Category: Socio Political
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