Iranians Sacrificed to Regain Values
Self recognition is track to dignity, honour, self reliance and overall prosperity. Thousands of years old living cultural and traditional values are foundation that bears the gigantic structure of civilization. Cultures surviving through rigors of thousands of years possess sustainability and thus deserve reliance.
Compromising self recognition for adopting hanging alien values is sure to collapse in chaos and destruction.
Iranian people had been forced to adopt alien values during the period from 1954 to 1980. They had been seduced to completely forget their self recognition for all socio political behaviours. Iran was almost westernised in all aspects. Irresistible forces of revolution swept the hanging alien values. Regards for self recognition awakened with tremendous force. Lives and properties were sacrificed selflessly. No tactic of the West could withstand the terrible forces of revolution. All managed external wars and internal terrorism collapsed to nothingness. Westerners ridiculed the revolution in a state of ecstasy and amusement. By now their teeth are well inside their lips. Iran is now an atomic power and it has manufactured its own fighter plane that stands to be one of the wonders of modern era and it is proceeding ahead day by day. State’s development process is ahead of the West. There is almost no crime in the state. Criminals are captured at the very commencement of their planned operations. Governance bodies’ vigilance is stunning.
Iranian ladies’ football team’s hijab uniform specially designed and prepared during 2011 has assured its participation in future Olympic games. Due to all round suitability of this Hijab Uniform, the 27 years old Iranian designer has received orders from all over the world including Japan, Germany and Australia.
From Iran that awakens sanity against blind imitations, conservative social setups can learn self respect.
Females in every section of the society are scarf females, at home, in markets, in offices, in sports / games, in TV dramas / films, as news casters and comperes. Female participants of all TV shows and TV gatherings are scarf females. In spite of that one of their films has won an award. Sick doctrine that progress is not possible without female nakedness has conclusively proved to be idea of an incurable mad. Hell of a dogma of discrimination and injustice over casts the human world i.e. males in tight dress from neck to feet by the side of ladies with 30% to 90% naked body, as and when or where the weather permits. Do think over the contrast before raising a step for entry into blind imitation that registers superlative degree of mental disease of inferiority complex. Do think over the contrast between established fundamental values and values for timely working needs only. Rewards ooze out of self recognition. Without honouring dignity and respect for females, an established conservative society can never dream of peace, progress and prosperity.
All conservative societies must learn from Iran that awakens sanity against blind imitation.
Turkey is next to understand the domains of self recognition and it is expected that it is destined to emerge very successful. Japan is also shaking the dominant cover to bring its citizens out of depression.
What is meant by human rights? A nation simply chose to reinstate its values with free consent of the citizens and it had to pay in blood and destructions.
With example of Iran at the background, Pakistani governments’ limitless permissiveness for all sections of media is highly appalling. 99% Pakistani females who never let their head and body cover slip even during the serious horrors and shocks of calamities, disasters and accidents, do not have representation on media. This especially managed neglect sounds intriguing in this era of Human Rights, Women’s Day and Mother’s Day. 10 to 15 pages are produced every Sunday to promote models’ and singers’ reputation by print media. Whereas TV screen is completely captured for promotion of activities of models, poets, singers and artists. If bikini and half naked models of Bollywood had to dominate our TV screens, what was meant by partition of 1947?
For the past thousands of years, females of all faiths including all clans of gipsies in Pakistan cover their heads and bodies in regard to their self respect and dignity. The practice continues to date for which under mentioned figures speak loud and clear:-
- 100% females of 85% rural population.
- More than 14% females of 15% urban population.
Whereas figures of rural area are undisputable, any group of citizens or foreigners are invited, to ascertain for the figures for urban areas, by conducting survey of unrestricted market places and bazars.
Displays and programs on all private TV channels against above statistics create doubts about something behind the curtain. Some type of forced interference by foreign agencies against our cultural values, as first step after which subsequent subversive pushes are sure to follow. It will be against patriotism not to doubt functioning against so clear statistics. Functioning in a conservative society using all tools of free sex displays collected from all over the world do create doubts. There are cases of overlooks at government level. One is surprised to note that investigations against NGOs have not included the private TV channels of Pakistan. Overall shape of the secret foreign mission against Pakistani society can only be investigated by state’s intelligence agencies in the light of under mentioned circumstances that have taken birth since the inception of private channels. It may be especially mentioned that during 32 years of functioning of PTV from 1968 to 2000, the social atmosphere in the country remained generally calm and peaceful as functioning of PTV was closely watched and supervised by concerned authorities. By now PEMRA and its Code of Conduct are practically dead, probably due to interference of the organisers of the secret foreign mission:-
- Strong wave of religious extremism triggered by increasing TV displays of female nakedness, viciously against the posture of 99% female citizens.
- General persuasion of flying loose hair, naked armpits and down slipping colours. Heavily paid renowned models are hired for the purposes.
- Promoting incentive for modelling profession. Simple and innocent girls are totally ignorant about the filth behind the curtain. A few months before a modelling candidate from Sialkot cantt was murdered in Lahore probably for not surrendering her chastity. A few weeks back another modelling candidate girl appeared on a TV channel to narrate the story of attack on her chastity. These incidents elucidate a part of the foreign mission.
- Collection and displays of obscenity from all over the world for presentation to Pakistanis for boosting various crimes. Uncensored obscenities are in additional to these displays boosting street and sex crimes, creating sense of insecurity among citizens.
- Cases of abductions, divorces and honour killings from year 2000 have boosted beyond all limits as compared to atmosphere during history of PTV.
- Subversions by fashion shows. Fashion means to impress others and this is derogatory to human respect. Further, without aiming at that, if a person impresses others in any way, he is blessed by Almighty. On the other hand if a person leaves his residence, well prepared to impress others, he is in cursed grip of Devil.
- Propagation of luxurious way of life. This specie of mental disorder is mother of all evils, corruptions and crimes because day by day altering demands of fashion and luxury can never be fulfilled by fair income.
We daily see the anti cultural, anti traditional and irreligious shape of female news casters and comperes, very meticulously carved in the world famous scandal ditches of makeup rooms, exactly in obedience to models in Bollywood of Bombay whose nationality we rejected for the reason that we are Muslims and they are Hindu majority and in doing so we sacrificed seven hundred thousand Muslim lives and more than 90 thousand Muslim females honours. If Bollywood had to dominate our TV screens by advertisements, dramas and films, what was that partition for against so high a cost of lives and honours? Furthermore we never ponder that the shape of newscasters and comperes is reckless effort to hurl insult to 99% of our ladies who stand to be highly dignified and respectable in their attire that fulfils the meaningfulness of what we call dress and which is symbol of our thousands of years old living civilization, culture and traditions through all the odds and shuffles of history, occupations and wars.
As a conservative society, Iranian governments continue to have tight control over media and as a result of that everything related to citizens’ security is in grip of every government. On the contrary in Pakistan media is controlled by foreign powers and as a result of that no department related to citizens’ security is in control of governance bodies especially since year 2000. All types of crimes have easy access to citizens. Results of adulteration in eatables and chemical sprays on food and vegetables can be seen in hospitals, clinics and with the quacks. Sex oriented displays on TV channels are annoying religious sections to resort to extremism. Luxurious lifestyle incentives on TV are registering more and more people to the domains of illegal sources of income. One in one thousand head of an institution running his / her department honestly and capably, receives threats for life and family and the agencies responsible for security have been torn apart by corrupt politicians. Terrorism in extra sensitive conservative regions is taking more and more stubborn shape due to increasing nakedness and foreign obscenities on TV. Magicians (Aamals) and saints (Pirs) are mercilessly sucking blood of the people and they have easy access to TV advertisements for their business regularly. It has been noticed that poor people retrench their diet and meals to save money for meeting the demands of magicians and saints who are worthless enough even to meet their own needs. Even arrangements for Hajj have become a dodging business for making money. Executions of judicial verdicts are postponed for years and decades and this encourages new criminals to operate freely. All these agonies are the result of performance of governance members paid and maintained at public exchequer, meaning receiving all funds and facilities without caring for the responsibilities, piling up nation’s miseries day by day and permitting easy intrusion by any subversive team of the world.
Iranians sacrificed selflessly for returning to self recognition and they practically gave respect to their martyrs equally adored by all fair and impartial friends and foes throughout the world:-
- They resumed independence from powers who had been confident that Iran was a permanently captured territory to be steered as they desired.
- Iranians gave practical respect to every single martyr by putting the nation on path to modern scientific progress.
- Iranians interpreted the meaning of Islami Jamhuriya Iran by honouring females with Islami Hijab for all walks of life including TV, films and sports.
At the same time Pakistani rulers neglected the martyrs of historic massacre of independence as if the country had been handed over to them in golden tray with salutes:-
- They subjected the state to all types of foreign interferences and dictations. Such exceptionally resourceful territory has been surrendered to heavy foreign debts and mysterious and intriguing functioning of NGOs.
- Sacrifices of martyrs stand insulted by devising the state as pocket of all types of crimes, extremism and misappropriations of public funds. Giving the country name of a state for Muslims to be called Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan, perfect secular atmosphere has been encouraged and developed with media dominating the exposure of models and obscenities. Bollywood completely dominates all TV screens. Islamic parts of the constitution remain suspended and inactive.
In the end, unlimited number of salutes of honour and reverence to Iranians who sacrificed lives and properties at free will for regaining their values.
Also unlimited salutes of honours to 99% females of Pakistan for retaining retain their honourable and respectable posture against minutely planned and scientifically designed attacks against their traditions.
Category: Socio Political
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