Saturday, January 25, 2025

Tag: pakistan media

Oppressed Citizens

Is Army Chief really the Entity to Call for Help?

Is Army Chief really the entity to call for help whenever something bad happens in the country, why the rape victims, land mafia victims, flood affected, socially neglected etc. call for help from the Army Chief in front of media? Where are the government representatives? In Pakistan all political parties are like properties of certain […]

Cultural Invasion in Pakistan

Cultural Invasion in Pakistan

Socialists believe that historical context and national character play a role in shaping a country’s people’s behavior patterns, whereas traditions and values often affect people’s thoughts. However, rival countries’ electronic media also intensified the trend of people forming negative opinions about each other. In these words, India has begun cultural penetration in Pakistan as part […]


Reasons for Bulbulay The Show being Highly Problematic

Repetitive dialogues, monotonous storyline laced with misogynistic undertones The only drama falls in this category is the Television Series “Bulbulay”. Bulbulay first aired on television in 2009, and had the highest TRP. For those who are not aware of TRPs, it stands for Target/Television Rating Point. It is a metric scale for calculating the targeted […]

Entertainment Industry of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Entertainment Industry of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

We got our independence in year 1947 and after 74 years of our inception we are trying to run our country’s affairs with best suited political system in place. In our political system we have different ethnic political parties that belong to specific region or cultural belt and we recognize them as regional parties belonging […]


Tiktok Influencer Culture and Undeserved Fame

We live in confusing times. Quite often it is hard to track why and how someone got famous and their life completely changed without doing anything in particular. These questions arise only because a large population of people struggles for basic necessities. These people do not benefit from the changing trends of the world, the […]

media window

How Television Shapes Our Reality

The television has provided us with a paradox of choices to decide from. We have too many choices and find it both perplexing and mind-boggling to choose. Not long ago we only had a national television to choose from and could settle down with what is being aired on it. Now however with the liberty […]

Aurat March

Aurat March – A Symbol of Anarchy

Aurat March, Aurat community, Aurat Rights, this word ‘Aurat’ has become something which seems out of this world, an alien entity and is in search of its identity and a secure place to settle down and grow. This is how badly it has been used and negatively propagated by people / gangs, want to divide […]

1947 massacre

The Wretched Specie of Traitors

Only classified prime traitors can indulge in corruptions and embezzlements in a country procured at the historically highest cost of massacre of year 1947, and only persons absolutely devoid of all elements of conscience and dignity can forget the massacre and devastation of year 1947. Hereunder note and feel the barbaric tortures, physical and mental, […]

quaid-e-azam said

Untackled Half of Terrorism

Among all the states of the world, particularly in case of Pakistan, one half of terrorism is due to noncompliance to fundamentals of establishment of the state. Pakistan’s Nazrea e Pakistan (Ideology of Pakistan) has been the fundamental of establishment of a state since early years of 20th century. The other half of terrorism is […]

Misinterpretations of Peoples’ Ideology

Misinterpretations of Peoples’ Ideology

Very odd and irrational articles are being published in some newspapers, regarding the ideology related to independence struggle by peoples. The writers almost appear to be ridiculing the sacred terminology of ideology because they very much appear to be devoid of legitimate analysis of the very basis of selfless sacrifices by the peoples. Nobody goes […]

Fundamental for National Unity

Fundamental for National Unity

Appreciations for practically decisive steps by the Army Chief against corruption, from every corner of the country, from Trijunction to Chitral, Badeen to Lahore and Bahawalnagar to Quetta, have formally settled the fundamental for national unity and solidarity. No specie of corruption must exist in the country. Not only corruption is terrorism in itself but […]

Women Rights Protection - Tahafuz-e-Huqooq-e-Niswaan

Women Rights Protection – Tahafuz-e-Huqooq-e-Niswaan

Women Rights Protection (Tahafuz-e-Huqooq-e-Niswaan) Bill 2016 Pakistani politicians, just when you get bored of their regular insanity, they come with something new and extraordinarily insane. And among politicians, PMLN’s politicians are the most “intellectual” kind. They come up with actions, ideas and statements that no other can compete. They have recruited the dumbest lot of […]

Revealed Democratic Governance and Patriotism

Revealed Democratic Governance and Patriotism

Here under is the article by Mr. Ahmed Yusuf, published in the Daily DAWN of January 10, 2016. The contents of the article sincerely depict the state of circumstances shaped by the politicians of this country, procured at exceptionally high cost of honour and lives. The article is meant for visitors of this website, who […]

Iranians Sacrificed to Regain Values

Iranians Sacrificed to Regain Values

Self recognition is track to dignity, honour, self reliance and overall prosperity. Thousands of years old living cultural and traditional values are foundation that bears the gigantic structure of civilization. Cultures surviving through rigors of thousands of years possess sustainability and thus deserve reliance. Compromising self recognition for adopting hanging alien values is sure to […]

Aaj TV on PM Modi

Aaj TV on PM Modi

By repeatedly displaying uncivil abusive remarks about PM Modi of India (July 25, 2015 afternoon), Aaj TV of Pakistan has contributed to further deterioration of already controversial image of Pakistani citizens. Apprehension that it might have been triggered with the push of some anti-Pakistan agencies of the world, bear sound weight. Among all the countries […]

Neglected Priorities and Forgotten Martyrs

Neglected Priorities and Forgotten Martyrs

Pakistan Movement’s workers and their generations, including Muslims and minorities, who indulged in personality cult to the extent of core faith, could not and will not ever possess relevant national character unless a justice based analysis strikes their stubborn discretion. Ladies, children and gentlemen who sacrificed their honour, lives and possessions during process of finding […]

Separation from India to Follow Indians

Separation from India to Follow Indians

Compact unit of Indian Territory was divided to create a new state i.e. Pakistan. Thirty years of struggle involved the fundamental motto ‘Muslims are a separate nation’. To procure the state was not an easy process for the Muslims residing in India were left helpless. They suffered destruction of honours, lives and properties in devastating […]

Chand Raat Shoppping

Chand Raat Complications

Too much of everything is bad. It is an old saying. In modern advanced era it may be amended as: Too much of everything is uncivil. What does that peculiar shopping during last week of Holy month of Ramazan, mean? It is no more than desperate effort to look superior among people of even financial […]

Grandeur of Baluch and Pashtuns

Grandeur of Baluch and Pashtuns

Visiting Quetta or populous cities of Baluchistan helps little in introduction to Baluch people. This requires rigorous traveling through trackless expanse of hilly, desert, barren fields and pebbled areas. Baluch people are born independent, and people with history of external domination, with all their learning, education and training, cannot easily assess their greatness. They are […]

High Treason with National Resources

High Treason with National Resources

In governing game, when it comes to corruption, no government wants to stay behind in Pakistan. Every government tries to over achieve than any previous governments, seems like, among them, high and more complex and successful corruption is the only way to highlight their progress among their competitors. They judge each other by the criteria […]