Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: iran

Iranians Sacrificed to Regain Values

Iranians Sacrificed to Regain Values

Self recognition is track to dignity, honour, self reliance and overall prosperity. Thousands of years old living cultural and traditional values are foundation that bears the gigantic structure of civilization. Cultures surviving through rigors of thousands of years possess sustainability and thus deserve reliance. Compromising self recognition for adopting hanging alien values is sure to […]

Saddam's Great Iraq - 9

Saddam’s Great Iraq – 9

This was going to be just the start from Iranian side as we later came to know. The next surprising big attack by Iranians was lunched in vast captured area, in Shush, early in the dark hours of a morning. Thousands of Iraqis were captured, and thousands died without firing any bullet and the rest […]

Saddam's Great Iraq - 8

Saddam’s Great Iraq – 8

I was on the project around Fallujah Town. Iran – Iraq War that started during last quarter of 1980 gained full momentum during 1981. Each country blamed the other for starting war. Iran had been passing through a revolutionary period under supreme guidance of Imam Khumaini. When Imam Khumaini was informed that the motherland had […]

Saddam's Great Iraq - 7

Saddam’s Great Iraq – 7

The next day of April, 1980 was an extra ordinary day, not only on this project but also for four years of my stay in Iraq. I was busy with my team on site. So many other teams were busy with various assignments. An unknown helper left his team, approached me walking quickly and standing […]