Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Protest March Statements Analysed

Election Rigging 2013 - Ballot Papers thrown in Garbage

Election Rigging 2013 – Ballot Papers thrown in Garbage

Parts of speeches and statements, by various leaders, during ‘Inqlab / Azadi March’ 2014, are noteworthy. These are liable to comments towards authenticity and meaningfulness. These cannot be termed as mere parts of a speech because these bear a conclusive reflection towards regards for the listeners. Just go through these along with comments that follow.

“There are a few people on one side and the whole nation on the other side”. –– This is a statement of interior minister, dated August 29, 2014. Judicious approach has nothing to do with the ratio between the affected and the defaulter. A single citizen in possession of proof, witness and logic is fully authorised to demand verdict against a group of thousands of individuals. Many times in history a single human being’s voice of justice against cruelty, suppression and ignorance became the voice of majority millions, subsequently bringing the befoolers, dodgers and opportunists over to gallows. Befooling and dodging have been pre historic weapons to perpetuate the bows by weak and depressed. Spending 0.1% of the allocated funds on a project to placate the masses with 1000% rhetoric claims for advertising a particular political group, is century’s old tactic. Merciless waste of public funds, forming sizable part of actual expenses, on inauguration of frivolous tiny and insignificant, non satiating works, demand judicial inquiry. Such inaugurations deserve only the appearance of an ordinary concerned senior engineer. –– ‘Meray he kangan beich ke ja ke juoay khaney haraee – taka bacha ke gajray laya, sogar-pati kehlaee’. (Sold my own gold ornaments and lost money in gambling – saved pennies to present me gift of flower-bangles so as to be called a responsible husband). Accordingly the interior minister’s statement is unconstitutional and undemocratic. And when it is from state’s interior minister, it stands to be all the more appalling and hopeless.

Tahir ul Qadir meeting with governors in hope of settlement

Tahir ul Qadir meeting with governors in hope of settlement

Talking to representatives of controversial governance is a matter of civil etiquettes, but to give them a declared welcome is unreasonable and groundless. Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri must have thought a dozen times before deciding upon profuse welcome to the two governors. Seeing the pitiable conditions of the participants of protest, the move appears to be totally unjustifiable and unreasonable.

‘If people are served, they will vote for you again’. –– An interpretation by Mr. Imran Khan on August 27, 2014. –– Real political leaders of all the literate developed societies, are not at all oriented on grabbing votes even by fair means. Votes and civil supports are mere by-product of highly reasonable agenda involving ingredients of services to the state and citizens. So the notion of the stated interpretation is not very much aims-oriented.

Peoples not continuously remembering the massacre for cause of freedom are doubtlessly destined to go extinct sooner or later. On celebrations of Independence Day, on days of national and religious functions, and on occasions of agitation and protests against cruelty and suppression, outspoken references to the sacrifices of the massacre of 1947 and prior to 1947, must be in the air as prelude to all statements. Pakistan was not presented to us in golden tray with salutes of honour.

Adjacent to references of massacre of freedom struggle, comes the references to martyrs of wars. Closely next come the mention of veterans of civil services, selflessly honest engineers, scientists and administrators who served and died penniless leaving their families in financial hardships. Such protests and marches are occasions to make a collective mention of all.

Islamic sections of the constitution are lying suspending since 1947 and accordingly the state appears to be acquiring an overall shape of Indian society. Muslims in India also go to mosques and listen to Naats and Qawalis. Muslims in India are far better because there has never been a Hajj corruption scandal case in the court. Additionally Muslims in India get subsidy in their Hajj expenses. Furthermore, there have never been blames that there votes have been rigged by judiciary. Turmoil against Muslims in India is plain reaction of breaking territory of Bharat Mata. Where is the atmosphere for which separation from India was achieved? In this regard we have got to follow Iran to get rid of external Yes-man-ship. We have served external forces from 1954 up to present in return for everything they helped us with. Enough must certainly be enough. No more rowing with borrowed oars.

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