Honour of Justice at Stake
With reference to his press conference of August 11, 2014, even if Mr. Imran Khan is one percent right and correct, it is a blow of terror to the exalted honour of justice, because the discovery is not against a subordinate lower court but against SUPREME COURT of a state named (at least for the present) Islamic Republic of Pakistan, due to which a sizeable scar also goes to the believers of Islam in this advanced developed era. The derogatory effects straight away hit CSS selections sanctity. It is a day of mourning for every young and old citizen of the nation.
The story does not stop here. The interference of active members of SUPREME COURT into political affairs opens many windows related to USA visit of the Chief Justice. Were the affairs settled well in advance that the future Prime Minister had to be the most suitable person to look after the American interests related to Pakistan, China and the surrounding states, especially Afghanistan and Iran? Atmosphere of unending tension with Afghanistan and tactics of suspending and postponing all agreements with Iran are clear indications of open obedience to American government in return for more and more debts and alms which feed a sizeable portion of corruptions and misappropriations already touching the sky. All rulers loyal to America and the West, at the cost of interests of citizens of Pakistan, are valuable assets for the Americans.
Citizens of Pakistan maybe permitted to asses that parts of press conference discoveries are supported by favours to sons of Ex-Chief Justice and the Ex-Judge availing extension period in close vicinity of the polls to be held.
Understanding and collaboration between two political parties, have also been unveiled by abrupt, within a span of hours, change in notions of the leader of the opposition. Such an abrupt change is irrational to happen without ‘Yes Sir’ to ‘Stop press news’ from outside the country.
The overall consequences maybe summed up as:-
- A historical serious blow to the honour of justice in Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan.
- Interference of top judiciary into politics.
- Surprising advance internal and external planning for sure favour to a politician.
- Platform of a state degraded to the condition of a chess board.
- Making mockery of a state acquired at the cost of honour and lives of tens of thousands of unarmed civilians.
Category: Politics
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