Tag: justice
Slave Generations in Free States
Slave Generations in Free States Prelude: Poetic expressions and personality cult serve little for devising the national character. These also have nothing to do with the solidarity and sustainability of a people. “Sultani e Jamhur” i.e. democracy has utterly failed in case of low literacy peoples. This philosophy for such states, has proved to be […]
Honour of Justice at Stake
With reference to his press conference of August 11, 2014, even if Mr. Imran Khan is one percent right and correct, it is a blow of terror to the exalted honour of justice, because the discovery is not against a subordinate lower court but against SUPREME COURT of a state named (at least for the […]
Justice to Rule
No known political system is effective without impartial and uninterfered Justice. Democracy, secularism, communism, socialism, etc. are devised by mankind and human is to err. Justice owns divine honour and provides solutions for ultimate good and as such it must possess prime status instead of a subjective institution. In the guise of creating unity, political […]