Monday, February 17, 2025

Annexure to: Maintaining Defunct Luxurious Life

Out of a number of reasons for compulsion of maintaining luxurious life through illegal and inhuman tactical means in political, professional (various public dealing professions) and religious domains, following stand as principal:-

1- A slave permanently residing inside an apparently great personality.

2- Superlative degree of feelings of inferiority in facing fellow human beings.

3- Dissatisfaction with the available resources of living.

4- Extreme lack of confidence in powers of retaliations against aggressive attitudes of others around.

5- Apprehensions of getting deprived of most of the possessions.

6- Avenging the society for miserable childhood deprived of necessities of life.

7- Rearing by practically Godless parents for maintaining luxury at all costs for sustaining standards of family and forefathers.

Although common sense is not all that common, yet everybody can very well assess as to how rashly the luxury loving and luxury needing repulsively set aside God and respectable institutions of the states. It can be easily concluded that people of all above seven serials are easily available for any types of activities and actions against their parent states as well as the very members of their families.

T.E.Lawrence Foreign nationality of corrupt politicians is their procedural need and they very well know the past and current history that penniless lazy illiterates have become billionaires within months of achieving umbrella of political parties.

Mind you gentlemen (Patriotic citizens)! that all politicians with double nationalities are on various missions for their foreign nationality states. The processes of their secretly planned operations are based on principles of Slow Poisoning Process. Politicians whose wives hold double nationalities work as employees of their wives for secret missions. For these missions they join hands with underground mafia to depress or eliminate the honest patriots and inspite of all their vicious activities, they show their hands to the public and the courts of justice repeating the saying of Master Stalin, “My hands are clean”. They will always be amongst the first group of those visiting the victim’s family members for condolence. After death of any of them the missions are continued by their wives or any of their children. Verily, you know, heavily paid missions must go by generations.

Missions are of diversified nature but consistently destructive to parent states. A few of the probable missions are explained as under:-

1- Mission obstruction (say). The assignee politician of the mission starts putting in all his sources, contacts and mafia to obstruct and hinder all sources needed for development and progress for industry and form productions. This results in low quantum of production, unemployment and boost of cost of the movements and travels.

2- Mission Cat & Rat (say). The double nationality assignee applies his sources and contacts in worsening conditions of law & order to boost crimes.

3- Mission Undress (say). The double nationality assignee uses all sources at his disposal in forcing electronic and print media to proceed for sex exploitation on pretext of art, music and fashion, inside the most peaceful conservative cultures, as a result of which sex crimes and looting crimes start taking roots.

4- Mission Holy Book (say). This is the most critical mission and embodiment of various complexities. It surpasses the volumes and forces of all war strategies in the world as whole. It stems from Lawrence of Arabia. The double nationality assignee of this mission is given a secret code word. He himself is unaware of the network of the spies engaged in preaching and educating various Holy Books in various states. All members of the network, themselves mostly Godless not believing in any religious or ethics, are highly qualifies in religions allotted to them in various areas of various states. They have a masterly command over the languages of specific areas of operations. They have attained a respectable status amongst the locals of their posting, where they have been developing their image for the last fifteen to twenty years period. The double nationality assignees’ job is to introduce himself through the provided code for instant contact in case of any conceivable danger that might erupt with the inception of operational activities of the specific mission.

Anybody with double nationality for himself and his wife must never be permitted to touch the bounds of politics and sensitive setups of states as it is only to bring evil and disaster for the nations.

Double nationality politicians must be closely watched by the patriots, the security agencies and the courts of justice. Why double nationality and politics go together? They must never be permitted to remain in politics or in sensitive institutions even if they surrender their foreign nationality. They must be closely watched for their activities and contacts for life. Rest assured that they will always behave to be the supernatural patriots in governments or in oppositions.

The very motherlands in which they were born and reared and where they acquired physical and mental strength and stability, suffer from their undermining activities. Who confirms them to be human beings? Here is a lesson for all states’ citizens of the whole world, from a British poet:

“Land of our birth, we pledge to thee,
Head, heart and toil in the years to be,
When we are grown and take our place,
As men and women in our race.”


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Category: Social, Socio Political

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