Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tag: luxury results corruption

Lee Kuan Yew

Claims of National Progress Analyzed

Hereunder are a few of the hints related to the claims of National Development and Progress in Pakistan:- In 1960 per capita income in South Korea and Pakistan were USD 900 and USD 300 respectively. Today these figures change over to: South Korea USD 25000 and Pakistan USD 1100, i.e. a difference of around 28 […]

Catastrophe of Forcing Incentive of Luxury

Catastrophe of Forcing Incentive of Luxury

Any institute in Pakistan must be empowered with the task of selecting a honestly sincere leader for Pakistanis. Politicians suffering from vote bank sensitivity have been continuously damaging all the internal and international interests of the state since 1954 when they stretched their arms for falling to the lap of SEATO and CENTO forgetting the […]

Mahathir Mohammad

Shaping a People Over to a Nation

Process of formation of a worth full product is far more difficult a process than procurement of its constituents materials. Getting a piece of land on pretext of independence is only a starting step for reaching the apex. People of the territory procured in the name of Pakistan have following historical characteristics and acquired traditional […]

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

Gradual Downfall of Standards in Pakistan

It is story of drastic catastrophe in the face of daily repeated claims of progress without concretely defining what progress really means because generally progress is repeatedly mentioned mostly for attaining vote bank balance. To define progress keep the example of Malaysia, South Korea and Singapore, at the extreme of poverty level during 1950s and […]

Death of a Patient on Hospital Floor

Death of a Patient on Hospital Floor

A heart cum kidney’s patient could not be afforded a bed and she expired on bare floor of Jinnah Hospital, Lahore on January 02, 2017. The incidence is a case of mockery of a state among the community of states including the under developed countries of the world. The incidence opens a whole volume of […]

Fundamental for National Unity

Fundamental for National Unity

Appreciations for practically decisive steps by the Army Chief against corruption, from every corner of the country, from Trijunction to Chitral, Badeen to Lahore and Bahawalnagar to Quetta, have formally settled the fundamental for national unity and solidarity. No specie of corruption must exist in the country. Not only corruption is terrorism in itself but […]

Business Oriented Private Schools / Colleges

Business Oriented Private Schools / Colleges

Absence of character building factors in education system of a country and misguiding illiterate masses by politicians for vote bank perpetuates process of ruining a nation from two opposite ends. Absence of positive character among the members ruins a family, a tribe or a dynasty and more seriously it destroys a whole nation. A honestly […]

Musical Night and Education

Musical Night and Education

When, at least, the upper half of all the participant citizens, including so many renowned politicians, of the musical Saturday night May 02, 2015, in the great capital of Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan, had been waving from left to right and vice versa, the Daily Nawa e Waqt had been recording the true face of their:- […]

Hazards Under Corrupts’ Governance

Hazards Under Corrupts’ Governance

Corrupt rulers not releasing corruptions’ incentives for citizens or citizens immune to temptations of corruptions learnt from corrupt rulers, will certainly prove true only when a domestic sparrow, with a wild elephant at its back, will fly towards the North Pole. Widespread corruptions dominating the atmosphere of the country, settle the status of rulers. Corrupts […]

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Acquisition of a piece of a land serves little towards freedom and independence of the occupants of territory. Contributions by far sighted versatile statesmen are must to comb the countrymen into disciplines of unity justice and honesty in formation of a real nation. Availability of requisite statesmen in low literacy corrupt states is next to […]

Pantene Bridal Couture 2013

Prime Cause of Boosting Crimes in Pakistan

An analytical comparison of the statistics of crimes during years 1934 to 1957 and 1989 to 2012, based on average volume of population, will be horribly appalling. From 1934 to 1957 the state of unemployment and poverty was worst as compared to the circumstances during 1989 to 2012. There must be a reason, a dominant […]

Annexure to: Maintaining Defunct Luxurious Life

Annexure to: Maintaining Defunct Luxurious Life

Out of a number of reasons for compulsion of maintaining luxurious life through illegal and inhuman tactical means in political, professional (various public dealing professions) and religious domains, following stand as principal:- 1- A slave permanently residing inside an apparently great personality. 2- Superlative degree of feelings of inferiority in facing fellow human beings. 3- […]

Luxurious Lifestyle is Mother of all Evils and Corruptions

Luxurious Lifestyle is Mother of all Evils and Corruptions

Most courteous and submissive interpretation of luxurious lifestyle is super eminence over other human beings, inferiority complex, madness to look – by sheer appearance only – surpassingly different from all others around, hatred for commonality, minute concentration on self and family members, burning yearn for flattery, beggary for appreciation & praise, etc. etc. all these […]