Saturday, January 25, 2025

Anecdotes for Young Men About to Marry

1 Special for citizens of countries of Subcontinent

Conservative brides prove to be good wives and excellent mothers even if they are less educated.

Modern women, modern in any form, are too busy in their dresses, matching shoes, matching ornaments and matching nail polish and lip-stick, to look after the babies to concentrate on their rearing.

Remember! Loose hair ladies do the kitchen work with loose hair (if at all they agree to do that instead of ordering you). So you will have to tolerate a few shampooed silky hair in every dish (please see the TV demonstration of recipe shows on some channels). Particles of nails polish and odour of some face cream might be additional ingredients, denoting love for you. Special boon shall be doctors’ regular share in your hard earned income because loose hair ladies are extremely touchy about every sneeze or sore that you and the children might have.

So be patient and cool and do not behave like an American father who, in era of boys’ long hair, ordered his 17 years old long haired son, never to sit at the dining table when he takes meals. If ever, by mistake, you committed the error of taking a silky hair out of the dish and show it to your wife, hanging it on spoon or fork, you might face a medium thunder of the clouds under clear blue sky. Fashionable ladies are not accustomed to such insult-some gestures. The little exercise shall be ending with a feeling of guilt in you.

Off and on, when the child is crying, you might be altered by an instruction from the dressing room, for soothing the baby only for half an hour. At such a time never offer an excuse even if you have to leave for an urgent appointment immediately. As soon as your wife gets out of the dressing room, always keep your praiseful dialogue ready with selected fancy words.

Fashionable ladies generally go for shopping as a matter of time pass, whether or not purchased material is really needed. In such a condition, always say “O Dear, we needed all this so badly”.

On the other hand a conservative lady will remain to be a blessing for you. No artificial serious makeup, no instruction for babies, no silky hairs in dishes, no dish washing, no washing of clothes and above all no out of the way shopping for mere recreation at the cost of your hard earned money. No regular visits to the doctors. Home is well maintained without your help. Meals are simple but nourishing. Anything good for family is attended with utmost care. Healthy wife, healthy children and healthy home atmosphere. You mind your own business and go ahead as far as your capabilities can proceed.

Written By: Geodetic Engr. M Ashraf


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