Additional Wisdom and Experience Available
1- In the past of every successful person, there is a long list of failures.
2- If you keep blowing your own trumpet, you will be left with less endurance for climbing.
3- Results of hurried performance can never be equal to results of performance with patience.
4- When the elephant is on his way, dogs keep barking, still you have never seen an elephant running after the dogs.
5- A person of perfect character never needs status.
6- If you aim at achieving happiness, you will always be sad.
7- A person devoid of self respect can never truly respect anybody else.
8- If you are not disciplined, you can never control others.
9- Satisfaction achieved during struggle for some aim, vanishes on achievement of that aim.
10- You can define genius as a person with superb concentration and tolerance.
11- Knowledge does not come easy, it needs sincerity and hard work.
12- Every generation must keep in mind that independence does not mean doing things on choice. Independence means sincerely performing for commitment. (Pope John Paul II)
13- Attitude of hopelessness kills morale.
14- While helping others, never expect thanks.
15- Great character is a power that is invincible.
Sources of collection: Various
Category: Social
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