Monday, February 17, 2025

Tag: pakistan-war

Afghan Leadership

What Is Happening In Afghanistan And Its Impact On Pakistan

On August 15, the U.S. military withdrew their forces from Afghanistan, and the Afghan Taliban saw it as a chance to gain power. They have made rapid advances across stretches of the country and seized many provincial capitals from the Afghan government in Kabul. This development may seem like a welcome initiative for neighbouring countries […]

Cultural Invasion in Pakistan

Cultural Invasion in Pakistan

Socialists believe that historical context and national character play a role in shaping a country’s people’s behavior patterns, whereas traditions and values often affect people’s thoughts. However, rival countries’ electronic media also intensified the trend of people forming negative opinions about each other. In these words, India has begun cultural penetration in Pakistan as part […]

Chand Raat Shoppping

Chand Raat Complications

Too much of everything is bad. It is an old saying. In modern advanced era it may be amended as: Too much of everything is uncivil. What does that peculiar shopping during last week of Holy month of Ramazan, mean? It is no more than desperate effort to look superior among people of even financial […]

Genesis – Grey Matter – Ammunition

Genesis – Grey Matter – Ammunition

Partial remarks / comments / blames are universally rejected whatsoever be the topic. Current news and statements from all over the country make no mention of the track of emerging TTP for extremes of extremism. Retrace only a few years back and analyse the entire process of Sawat Operation. After that count the number of […]

Needed Superb Negotiators

Needed Superb Negotiators

What ever the long list of justifications for use of bullet force in Swat, force of negotiations has not been technically put to practice. It might be due to incompetence or due to pressure of debts providing parties, in reckless effort to divert attentions from failures in Iraq and Afghanistan. When 70% military and economical […]