Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: food

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Food Adulteration in Pakistan

Be aware of what you buy as food, packed or unpacked, one way or another, everything here in Pakistan is fake, second grade or synthetic copy of a genuine edible food We in Pakistan are unable to form a sustainable political system that we can say is an accreditable system and yet at the same […]

Housing Societies Are Devouring Fertile Lands In Pakistan

Housing Societies Are Devouring Fertile Lands In Pakistan

Housing Societies Are Devouring The Fertile Lands In Pakistan. A Country Recognized as an Agriculture Economy and Food Rich Region, is Compelled to Import Basic Food Items. How Pathetic! Why Housing Societies Are Rising! Gigantic housing builders are fast devouring Pakistan’s agricultural and productive lands, which will have hazardous effects on our country’s food security […]

Horticulture Nursery

Importance Of Horticulture Over Agriculture

Implementation of Large Scale Horticulture Plantation is Dire Need of Humanity’s Survival With the increasing number of the world population, many economic and non-economic challenges have been faced in countries. Food and medicine needs have increased with the population size. Therefore, agriculture and its branch, horticulture, are in the mainstream worldwide. Horticulture is the branch […]


Iron Deficiency Anemia among children of Pakistan

The most common type of anemia observed in children as well as in women is Iron deficiency anemia, which is a very common nutritional deficiency seen around the world. Iron deficiency anemia is a particular form of anemia in which the blood does not contain enough healthy red blood cells. The oxygen-carrying red blood cells […]

Death of a Patient on Hospital Floor

Death of a Patient on Hospital Floor

A heart cum kidney’s patient could not be afforded a bed and she expired on bare floor of Jinnah Hospital, Lahore on January 02, 2017. The incidence is a case of mockery of a state among the community of states including the under developed countries of the world. The incidence opens a whole volume of […]

MSG ffood addictives

Food Additives: Danger to our Health

You open a packet of potato crisps or some crunch, Salty corn snacks thinking you are just going to eat one but moments later, your fingers are scraping the bottom of the bag.  All gone, leaving you wanting more but… guilty? But wait, it is not your fault. The culprit is MSG or Ajinomoto –– […]

Calcium for our Body

Calcium for our Body

Setup of our bones bears whole weight of our body throughout our lives. Weak and less cared for structure of bones at last starts speaking of its complaints in various forms of overall health problems. Individuals apparently looking healthy also come across problems appearing to be incomprehensible. Backbone pain, neck pain, pain in the lower […]