Monday, February 17, 2025

Tag: youngster suffering


Reasons for Bulbulay The Show being Highly Problematic

Repetitive dialogues, monotonous storyline laced with misogynistic undertones The only drama falls in this category is the Television Series “Bulbulay”. Bulbulay first aired on television in 2009, and had the highest TRP. For those who are not aware of TRPs, it stands for Target/Television Rating Point. It is a metric scale for calculating the targeted […]

dark net

Protecting Minors Online

It is inevitable. Generation Z has entered the era where it is not possible to stay without internet. Every source of information and service is available online. While the generations before could argue against internet and social media and stay off of it. The same can not be done by Gen Z. These people were […]

media window

How Television Shapes Our Reality

The television has provided us with a paradox of choices to decide from. We have too many choices and find it both perplexing and mind-boggling to choose. Not long ago we only had a national television to choose from and could settle down with what is being aired on it. Now however with the liberty […]

teenage life

Life Skills to Master in Your Twenties

Teenage is an interesting time for all of us. While surely some people make the right choices in terms of their career and associations, it can be argued that most do not. It is because teenage is a period of a certain amount of liberty that easily leads people astray into experimenting with their choices. […]

Remedies for Youngsters Suffering from TV Bites

Remedies for Youngsters Suffering from TV Bites

I have a sound apology for children whose parents / guardians complain that their kids have been affected by negative effects of TV dramas, films and advertisements. The complaint clearly reflects the serious cavities in rearing standards adopted by parents and teachers. (Excesses of inland TV channels are not subject of this article). Just as […]