Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: war

New Era Taliban

New Era Taliban

New Era of Taliban begins in Afghanistan. Are these the same Taliban USA attacked twenty years ago, or they are new breed, a little bit more moderate & modern, what kind of Islamic state the Afghanistan will be? The Taliban together with northern alliance forces had fought with the Soviets to liberate Afghanistan during the […]

Cultural Invasion in Pakistan

Cultural Invasion in Pakistan

Socialists believe that historical context and national character play a role in shaping a country’s people’s behavior patterns, whereas traditions and values often affect people’s thoughts. However, rival countries’ electronic media also intensified the trend of people forming negative opinions about each other. In these words, India has begun cultural penetration in Pakistan as part […]

Saddam’s Great Iraq – 12

Saddam’s Great Iraq – 12

The war was on. Iraqi Airways was completely grounded and sheltered. No air service of any airline was functioning because Iran had threatened that it will target anything in the air. By the end of 1980, I got about 4 weeks leave sanctioned for visit to Pakistan. The route was journey by bus up to […]

Puzzles of Civilized Era

Puzzles of Civilized Era

Some of the worldwide claims are not honoured in practice. Some international generosities become detrimental to the security and tranquility of small states, minutely concentrated on their internal and external serious problems for the benefits of children, women, adults and patients. Some banned strategies continue to be operative openly violating solemn commitments. Flashes of anti […]

Saddam's Great Iraq - 9

Saddam’s Great Iraq – 9

This was going to be just the start from Iranian side as we later came to know. The next surprising big attack by Iranians was lunched in vast captured area, in Shush, early in the dark hours of a morning. Thousands of Iraqis were captured, and thousands died without firing any bullet and the rest […]

Saddam's Great Iraq - 8

Saddam’s Great Iraq – 8

I was on the project around Fallujah Town. Iran – Iraq War that started during last quarter of 1980 gained full momentum during 1981. Each country blamed the other for starting war. Iran had been passing through a revolutionary period under supreme guidance of Imam Khumaini. When Imam Khumaini was informed that the motherland had […]