Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tag: pakistan ideology

Aurat March

Aurat March – A Symbol of Anarchy

Aurat March, Aurat community, Aurat Rights, this word ‘Aurat’ has become something which seems out of this world, an alien entity and is in search of its identity and a secure place to settle down and grow. This is how badly it has been used and negatively propagated by people / gangs, want to divide […]

Mahathir Mohammad

Shaping a People Over to a Nation

Process of formation of a worth full product is far more difficult a process than procurement of its constituents materials. Getting a piece of land on pretext of independence is only a starting step for reaching the apex. People of the territory procured in the name of Pakistan have following historical characteristics and acquired traditional […]

Evan Meredith Jenkins

Neglected Prime Factor of 14th August

Top leadership of All India Muslim League ignored a nd rejected repeated warnings of Punjab’s British Governor Sir Evan Jenkins (Refer to word famous book ‘Punjab Ka Batwara’ in English translated into Urdu by Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed basically belonging to Arain family of Mazang Lahore) about the forth coming massacre 1947. This resulted in barbaric […]

Personality Cult

Personality Cult

Mr. Nadeem  Paracha’s article in DAWN May 14, 2017 refers. It is not clear at all what Mr. Nadeem Paracha wants to convey to Pakistanis. Copy of the article is appended at the end of under mentioned lines. Personality cult, though profusely practiced in most of the Asian countries, is serious abuse to Mankind’s self […]

Women Rights Protection - Tahafuz-e-Huqooq-e-Niswaan

Women Rights Protection – Tahafuz-e-Huqooq-e-Niswaan

Women Rights Protection (Tahafuz-e-Huqooq-e-Niswaan) Bill 2016 Pakistani politicians, just when you get bored of their regular insanity, they come with something new and extraordinarily insane. And among politicians, PMLN’s politicians are the most “intellectual” kind. They come up with actions, ideas and statements that no other can compete. They have recruited the dumbest lot of […]

Revealed Democratic Governance and Patriotism

Revealed Democratic Governance and Patriotism

Here under is the article by Mr. Ahmed Yusuf, published in the Daily DAWN of January 10, 2016. The contents of the article sincerely depict the state of circumstances shaped by the politicians of this country, procured at exceptionally high cost of honour and lives. The article is meant for visitors of this website, who […]

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Pakistan and Statesmanship

Acquisition of a piece of a land serves little towards freedom and independence of the occupants of territory. Contributions by far sighted versatile statesmen are must to comb the countrymen into disciplines of unity justice and honesty in formation of a real nation. Availability of requisite statesmen in low literacy corrupt states is next to […]

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Speaks

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Speaks

On the basis of his speech of August 17, 2014 evening, Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri has emerged to be a selfless patriotic leader with a vision never put to explicit expression by any other big or small leader in the history of Pakistan. Every single sentence of his speech clear headedly explains the highly destructive aliments that […]