Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tag: education

Home Schooling In Pakistan

Home Schooling In Pakistan

Home Schooling in Pakistan will make schools a place for fun fairs and sports activities In today’s modern school system and especially the education industry globally is moving towards digitization at a lightning speed. This rapid change is coming due to the advent of 5g data speeds and the prevailing situation of post pandemic global […]


Moving Toward Retirement in Pakistan

How can one working class person plan for his retirement, what steps he should take All working professionals who start their career with a decent job always dream of having their own business because they cannot benefit from the profits and growth of the business as much as the owner does over a period of […]

Hybrid Model of Education and Challenges

Hybrid Model of Education and Challenges

One of the wonderful benefits of the technological boom that has occurred across all sectors over the last half-century is the introduction of digital learning and training solutions for every stage of life. Nowadays these educational programs are better equipped to use this technology to adapt information and create more interesting learning experiences for students, […]

child abuse in pakistan

Increasing Number of Child Molestation Cases in Pakistan

Every year, half of the world’s children are subjected to abuse. The perpetrator’s abuse and the survivor’s suffering, as well as the repercussions, are often hidden from public view. In every civilized society, child molestation or sexual abuse is an unspoken yet troubling question. In this age of globalization, it is critical to set aside […]



Meaningful and Purposeful Education System When we talk about education it is an interaction of learning through which we get information. It edifies, enables, and makes a positive turn of events. But people have created a misconception about education and we’re living in a society where education has been limited to academia only. Education starts […]

dark net

Protecting Minors Online

It is inevitable. Generation Z has entered the era where it is not possible to stay without internet. Every source of information and service is available online. While the generations before could argue against internet and social media and stay off of it. The same can not be done by Gen Z. These people were […]

student teacher relation

Why do we need empathy from our Teachers?

While writing on this subject, the first thing I noticed is the possibility of the existence of this question and also retaining a befitting answer to it. Empathy from a teacher, this thought gives rise to several questions. Shouldn’t it be a given that a teacher should already possess empathy? Is empathy a necessary trait […]

study online

Online Classes and Student Life

The post Covid-19 world is indeed bringing change in our lives as we have accepted the new reality. We are entering the new digital age with the arrival of 5G 20 GB/s data network speeds and its 20 times faster than outgoing 4G. The 5G will be very soon in our hand and it will […]

teenage life

Life Skills to Master in Your Twenties

Teenage is an interesting time for all of us. While surely some people make the right choices in terms of their career and associations, it can be argued that most do not. It is because teenage is a period of a certain amount of liberty that easily leads people astray into experimenting with their choices. […]


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which is manifested as speech problems, delays in speech, inability to communicate with people, behavioral issues, cognitive impairment and social anxiety. It’s been considered that there is a huge increase in autism with each growing day. The figure might vary but  1 out of 68 children is diagnosed on autism […]

Business Oriented Private Schools / Colleges

Business Oriented Private Schools / Colleges

Absence of character building factors in education system of a country and misguiding illiterate masses by politicians for vote bank perpetuates process of ruining a nation from two opposite ends. Absence of positive character among the members ruins a family, a tribe or a dynasty and more seriously it destroys a whole nation. A honestly […]

Dodging Students’ Parents and the Nation

Dodging Students’ Parents and the Nation

Contents of this short article are based on Sialkot (Pakistan) in focus but the situation applies to whole of the country. Every academic new year showers profuse numbers of banners and posters, by every school without the exception of a single, claiming highest marks by its students in board / university examinations. They attribute the […]

Musical Night and Education

Musical Night and Education

When, at least, the upper half of all the participant citizens, including so many renowned politicians, of the musical Saturday night May 02, 2015, in the great capital of Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan, had been waving from left to right and vice versa, the Daily Nawa e Waqt had been recording the true face of their:- […]

Students in Open and Under Dangerous Roof

Students in Open and Under Dangerous Roof

Universal truth stands: ‘Corruptions always descend from top down to bottom’. And bottom includes every nuke of human society viz faith, worship, family, relations, business, sincerity, patriotism ­­–– a corrupt leader will surrender everything related to state and nation in return for personal gains ––  friendship, commitments, promises, confidence, morality, etc.  Mankind has never experienced […]

Understand the Process of Applying for Studying Abroad

Understand the Process of Applying for Studying Abroad

In Pakistan trend of studying abroad is getting more and more popular so the process of getting a study visa is getting more and more complicated. Just like many other fields where huge profits are involved, crooks and fraudulent companies always manage to make their way, so this field is also not out of the […]