Saturday, January 25, 2025

Tag: constitution


The Concept of Rectificatory Justice in Aristotle’s Philosophy

Rectificatory justice as Aristotle’s describes it in his Book V: Ethics is generally practiced right after injustice has been done and that too on the foundational-basis of equal return’ principle, i.e. all the parties accredited, attributed and recognized with equivalent merit. He has thoroughly argued this as part of his political philosophy of Nicomachean Ethics. […]

Dr. Tahir ul Qadri and Inqlab

Dr. Tahir ul Qadri and Inqlab

Partiality devoid of justice and sincerity is evil causing multidirectional problems for mankind and generations to come. As sacred a relationship as mother does not deserve it. If you are a judge and a factual criminal case against your mother awaits verdict, the punishment must be declared without an iota of hesitation. Dr. Tahir ul […]

Puzzles of Civilized Era

Puzzles of Civilized Era

Some of the worldwide claims are not honoured in practice. Some international generosities become detrimental to the security and tranquility of small states, minutely concentrated on their internal and external serious problems for the benefits of children, women, adults and patients. Some banned strategies continue to be operative openly violating solemn commitments. Flashes of anti […]

Catastrophe of States Declared Corrupt

Catastrophe of States Declared Corrupt

Lands of any state are never corrupt. These always continue to grow crops, offer mineral & water resources and accommodate citizens. Owners of a home built and maintained at the cost of sacrifices of lives, honour and assets of life long physical and mental hardships, will never even think of destroying it. Evidently for internationally […]