Monday, February 17, 2025

Tag: Baluchistan

Baluchi Camel Man

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 21

Pinching heat of summer season is well known to Baloch people living West of Dalbandin as well as west of Nukundi. We had to travel west of Ameer Chah, situated in north of Nukundi. As for the matter of drinking water, it was a journey of life risk for the entire team including the Baloch […]

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 20

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 20

Summer temperature had been increasing day by day and under the circumstances a special tour program had been worrying me quite a lot. This tour program was for north of Koh e Sultan, near Afghanistan border. Thinking about this program during the hot weather had been worrying me more and more. According to information the […]

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 19

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 19

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) Seven members team responsible for maintenance of Micro Wave System had its headquarter at Dalbandin. There area of duty extended from Nushki to Iran border. All […]

Trek through Motherland to be Patriotic

Trek through Motherland to be Patriotic

Books and screens introduce only a little to the beauty of sites. Visits to parts of motherland generate different type of affiliations. Mind and sensations receive a different message. Every time you touch the bushes, stones, sand particles and water of blue lake, you feel affectionate towards these. When you meet and talk to people […]

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 18

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 18

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) One of the positive contributions of President Ayyub Khan (1958 to 1968) was provision of health care facilities in remote areas of the country. The period […]


Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 17

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) The project works had been progressing from West towards East, i.e. from Iran’s border to Quetta. It was the time to shift the camp headquarter from […]

Grandeur of Baluch and Pashtuns

Grandeur of Baluch and Pashtuns

Visiting Quetta or populous cities of Baluchistan helps little in introduction to Baluch people. This requires rigorous traveling through trackless expanse of hilly, desert, barren fields and pebbled areas. Baluch people are born independent, and people with history of external domination, with all their learning, education and training, cannot easily assess their greatness. They are […]

Political Competence

Political Competence

Not more than 1% Ph.Ds in politics and social sciences know the art of dealing with angry citizens. So many Gold Medallists of MBBS degree wrongly diagnose patients’ sufferings and sometimes kill them with reactionary chemicals and injections. It is worst bad luck with low literacy states that individuals not suiting package of responsibilities, accept […]


Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 16

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) Geographical location of the area started showing up the effects of scorching summer heat. By the middle of June, one of the surveyors got disabled due […]

The Gold Reserves of Pakistan and the Grand Robbery

The Gold Reserves of Pakistan and the Grand Robbery

We have been listening since we were kids that Almighty has made this country very rich, fertility and full of natural treasures, but unfortunately it has always been portrayed as a poor, shabby and a territory with lack of any quality. The biggest reason of this situation is our own inability, selfishness and corruption. Pakistan […]

Dry Water Pond

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 15

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) I had been enjoying a hot evening of May 1970 in my camp at Naukundi, the last town of Baluchistan before Iran border, when a merciless […]

Professional Journeys' Narrative – 14

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 14

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) To make use of the twilight, I asked the camel man to checkup for any camp around, within about two hundred yard radius. Inspite of so […]

Professional Journeys' Narrative – 13

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 13

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) Next morning we finished a hurried break fast, loaded the camels and started our journey towards the unknown place called Manzil. Our eyes were ambitiously searching […]

Professional Journeys' Narrative – 12

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 12

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) Before resuming the account of search for location and situation of place or village called Manzil, it will be worth while to mention that the sufferings […]

Professional Journeys' Narrative – 11

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 11

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process) Account of journey to Manzil remains postponed. I would like to explain conditions in summer in areas of South Baluchistan. During scorching heat of the month […]

Professional Journeys' Narrative - 10

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 10

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included) Dust storms and whirl winds command south-western Areas of Baluchistan during summer. Abrupt and spontaneous strong whirl winds are regular surprise. Our tents’ accommodations were worst affected during summer. In some of […]

Professional Journeys' Narrative - 9

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 9

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included) During the month of March, every year, this otherwise barren and desolated area of North-West Baluchistan is clad in a specific scenic beauty, unique in its nature. Mildly tolerable hot weather is […]

Story of Baluchistan disturbance

Story of Baluchistan disturbance

Baluchistan being the largest province of Pakistan has a huge importance in the region. Despite of its largest land hold, it is the least populated province of Pakistan, and undeveloped as well. Some insincere governments of past claimed to develop the Baluchistan and improving the lives of the people of Baluchistan, but promises of most […]

Professional Journeys' Narrative - 8

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 8

(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included) Camping at Sandak was one of the most desolate and dreary experience of my journeys so far. No greenery, no scenery, no sweet water, no warmth against the freezing cold, no milk […]

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 7

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 7

During December 1969, I was asked to take up survey works in Baluchistan Province of Pakistan. It was estimated to be a year’s job without break. Everyone of my colleagues had flatly refused to take up the project due to one reason or another. The most rigid colleagues declared that they would like to either […]