Saturday, November 02, 2024

Professional Journeys’ Narrative – 18


(An account of journeys exclusively based on true picture of areas and the people there. No poetic or romantic false expressions are included, Excerpt from a book in process)

One of the positive contributions of President Ayyub Khan (1958 to 1968) was provision of health care facilities in remote areas of the country. The period that followed, up till now, continues to concentrate on prolonging the governance tenure and this policy has boosted multi directional corruptions and street crimes, the uncontrollable outcome of nepotism and favouritism which are indispensible for maintaining vote bank. In efforts to increase the volume of misappropriations of public funds, more and more foreign debts are managed, with haughty egoism for the sick policy. Efforts and research for taping the state’s natural resources is kept postponed because that affords a feeble share of the booty. Every time a philanthropist type of foreign ruler donates alms to be used in development works, the whole credit is owned by the ruling party, senselessly declaring at apex of voice that the receipt of the alms was a historical step in history of the state. Among President Ayyub Khan’s remote areas health care projects, mini hospital of Dal Bandin was a blessing for the people of a sizable radius of many kilometres. It is located in open area near the settlements of the town and covers a lot of area for future expansion.

One evening I made up my mind to visit the hospital the next day. A fifty years old assistant doctor greeted me. He told me that the in charge of the hospital was a LSMF qualified doctor who was on leave for preparations for MBBS examination. There were only a few patients there on that day. Baloch people hardly fall ill due to their simple pure diet and physical hard work. There were two Hindu young girls waiting for their turn. It was very astonishing to note that both of the girls were of very fair complexion. In such hot weather of the area it was a particular phenomenon. Each of the girls was carefully clad in Balochi dress except for their faces. It might be for the reason that they were young. During the entire period of working in this area we had not come across a single lady face that was without a veil. As for the facial judgement, both of these girls were extremely beautiful. The assistant doctor introduced himself to me in detail. According to him he was experienced in diagnosis and prescriptions of medicines for treatment of the ailments. During introductory details the assistant told me about a very funny incidence. Here is what he told me: “sometime back a qualified dispenser approached us for employment. He was really needed in our hospital so he was employed straight away. He was a resident of Dal Bandin and in professional activities he proved to be very competent and hard working. After a few months he approached us one morning with the information that he intended to resign from the job because an army camp near Dal Bandin wanted to employ him at much higher salary. We told him that he was not aware of the working of army that is supposed to move from place to place even much away from this town. He said that the chance being offered to him was very attractive and he did not want to miss it. So his resignation was accepted and he left us. After a few months that army camp planned to move to another location much away from Dal Bandin. The boy was not in a position to leave his family and parents. So on the morning of movement of the camp while the trucks were being loaded, the boy approached the Major incharge and produced his resignation paper. The incharge flatly told him to put the piece of paper in his pocket and move with the Jawans. The boy kept persisting that he could not leave his family behind and that his resignation may be accepted. In the meantime the trucks were finally loaded and these were waiting for the orders of the incharge. The incharge asked the boy to be up the vehicle whereas the boy again repeated ‘My family, my parents, my problems’. At that point the Major simply moved his stick for his Jawans. Two Jawans came forward, picked up the boy, put him on the top of luggage on a truck and tied him firmly with ropes. The trucks moved. The people at the scene told me that as far as they could see and hear the boy, his legs below his knees were continuously moving and he was yelling ‘I resign, my family, my parents’. He did enjoy the taste of very good salary. He took my advice very lightly and now he truly understood the practical meaning of my words. He was not wrong to state his problems. But at the time of my advice to him he was simply influenced by the volume of salary and sundry facilities. This clarifies that he was too young to assess even the future nearby”. ——— To be continued…

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