Musical Night and Education
When, at least, the upper half of all the participant citizens, including so many renowned politicians, of the musical Saturday night May 02, 2015, in the great capital of Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan, had been waving from left to right and vice versa, the Daily Nawa e Waqt had been recording the true face of their:-
- Taste for music.
- Luxurious residences.
- Lavish lifestyles.
- Splendid costly cars.
- Fashion shows.
- Haughty claims for national concerns.
- Deceptive determination for revolutionary steps to boost literacy.
With the following two news items:-
Wherever there is an educational institution, private or government, in Islamabad / Peshawar / Lahore / Karachi or in remote areas of Sindh and Baluchistan, in sandy desert or hill tops, there must be a soundly constructed building for the children and students. It is important next to defence of the state. It is as sacred an obligation as a worship place. Governance members and politicians, who neglect this prime need, have doubtful citizenship. So the sequence of priority goes: Defence and sound structure for educational buildings. Everything else is only secondary. Luxury displays and deceptive claims must be tacked by judicial bodies without a dot of mercy.
Category: Social
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