Lessons from Innocent Zainab’s Fate
All Pakistanis are categorically responsible for what happened to innocent child Zainab and so many other children in District Kasur. These heinous incidents give every indication of well planned categories of crimes. Why and how?
Undermining disease of personality cult has devoured our sense of prime humanitarian responsibilities for bringing forth selfless patriotic leaders who may think of nothing beyond the welfare and security of the citizens and the state. We have never endeavored to study the nation’s building statesmen of the past and present era.
Police force has never been independent to organize and maintain their legal powers for the security of the citizens. Whenever a police officer intends to use his legal powers in any matter of public security, he receives a mysterious phone call to forestall him from any action.
Hereunder are a few steps with special reference to the security of innocent children of all ages below 18 years:-
- Policemen as well as every citizen must be alerted for action in case he watches an embossed child being taken to any place by single or by a group of boys or men. The security forces must be alerted to appear and interrogate the man / men taking away a child. In case he appears to be doubtful, he must be arrested forthwith for enquiries.
- Parents leaving the children for hours or days must ensure that their security has been soundly managed. It must be acknowledged that managing the security of the children is foremost responsibility of the parents and adult brothers and sisters. All categories of cousins and other relatives must be exclusively deleted from the list of those responsible for managing security of children in temporary or permanent absence of real mother or father.
Who dares to disagree with the phenomenon that all worships (Ibadaat) stand disqualified when the honor and security of daughters and sons are ignored even for minutes? Looking after all round security of minor children and character building of adults is the prime of Ibadaat for all believers of all divine faiths.
All males have gone through the temptations and the complications of the days of change over to puberty i.e. the time of physical change from childish innocence over to adulthood. In all conservative social setups, there is no excuse for not using the particular experience of changeover to puberty in care and look after of own children about to physically cross that highly crucial line.
Children must be strictly warned never to leave the security abode, devised by them, during their absence short or long from home. Any stranger bringing highly shocking or highly happy news must simply be rejected in all circumstances to follow. All parents of all faiths must discipline their children for all times in the following manner: “We are going out for a short / long period. During our absence if anybody approach you with the news that your parents have met a serious accident and they have asked me to convey you to the hospital, never permit him entry into the house and never believe him, for all circumstances to follow”.
- All modern technologies must be used with due relationship to the social atmosphere. Entertainments of TV and internet are major forces of misguidance and promiscuity. These do not bare any relationship with regard to successful future of life. Learning part of TV and internet must be differentiated for the misguiding entertainments part.
- From the last 70 years of experience, top leadership does not appear to be concerned with the impact of sex agitating screen displays in this highly conservative social setup. The religious leadership hesitates to guide for sound character building in existence of modern technologies.
- It must not be forgotten that social insecurity and corruption are poison for surviving as free nation.
- Every institution in the country must be independent to use its own legal powers and authorities, phone calls interferences must be categorized as crime. Profuse poetic statements continue to erupt without even a shadow of constructive solid suggestions to save our present and future children from similar shocking fate. The notion of these statements point to the gradual deterioration that the state and the society have been undergoing for the last 70 years. No pool of values and no institution have been spared from this downfall.
Ours is a highly conservative social setup established for the last thousands of years, from times when Islam had not been introduced into the region. Conservative societies have got to be dealt with in accordance with their values and traditions. Progress and research bears no particular concern with any specific type of social system. Just study the era of introduction of Mathematical and scientific research in the highly conservative society of Arabs.
Category: Social
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