Saturday, January 18, 2025

Indigenous owners of Territory in State of Exile

pakistani-hindus Most conspicuous phenomenon in the listed declared states of the world is that top priority obligations are almost forgotten or totally neglected.

Concerning citizens’ welfare, there are numerous unattended priorities in Pakistan. The most important and most neglected top priority is solution of the problems of various sections of minorities, especially the Hindu minority. As a result of their own planning, management and hard work, Hindu tribes in Baluchistan are prosperous and happy. Their honor and wealth is also secure. Still they bear every impression that they are miles away from ‘Proud to be Pakistanis’ and this is something more than a challenge for the Pakistani governments. Every patriotic Pakistani will yearn to see them in same high spirits that was the crown of every individual of every minority enjoying easy courageous approach for justice and solutions to their problems, to Muhammad (PBUH), the very rules of Islamic state of that time.

In Khyber Pakhtoon Khuwa, the status of Hindus is well established and they are bold enough to get the problems solved by representation. For example, Balmiki Tribe is in high spirits to approach the authorities for solution to their problems. Fortunately they are heard and helped.

Punjab has a very small populations of Hindus scattered in all the cities and towns. Their relations with the Muslims are reasonably cordial.

Tharparkar-district-Sindhi-Hindus-in-Pakistan Maximum numbers of Hindus form part of population of Sindh province and they are the category of minority, who need best of care. It is extremely unfortunate that the terms ‘Scheduled Caste’, ‘Low Caste’ and ‘Untouchables’ could not be abolished during 65 years period of Islamic Jamhuriya Pakistan in which no such discrimination was the part of the ideals of the state. Governments must take steps for even treatment to all in matters of rights, legally and constitutionally abolishing the inhuman terms related to the sections of the minorities.

Vast majority of so called ‘Low Caste’ or ‘Scheduled Caste’ or ‘Untouchables’, almost lead a life of slaves and treated like animals. Nothing is secure for them. There are appalling incidents of dishonoring them at every level at the hand of people with properties and riches. This is absolutely like dishonoring the ideology of finding the state of Pakistan. It is like inviting the rhythm of Almighty with outgoing courage. If Muslims majority continues to overlook such hate worthy cruelty, the consequences will be highly destructive. What to talk of only few hundred thousands of minority people, an Islamic country can never tolerate disrespect and dishonor of one single citizen of minority.

scheduled-caste-tribes Totally neglected sections of Hindus lead a pitiable life of dearth and discrimination which is extremely shameful for every Pakistani. Here is a list of inhuman treatments faced by these Hindus, especially in Sindh:-

1- Teachers’ and students’ mad behaviour against the children in the schools.

2- Separate utensils for them in restaurants. When they go for haircut the barbers do not attend them.

3- They lead highly depressed life. A citizen of any independent state just cannot tolerate the meek and timid impression on their faces in this advanced era.

4- They were badly affected by devastating flood of year 2011, but they have not been provided with any flood relief. They continue to face discriminatory behaviours in temporary camps. They have been deprived of Pakistan Card. They do posses self respect. They are Hindus but they are not beggars. As un-helped flood affected, they have been brought to a situation to beg for survival.

5- They have been subjected to forced unpaid labour for the landlords.

6- Persisting terms of ‘Scheduled Caste’, ‘Low Caste’, ‘Untouchables’, squeeze their lives at every step.

7- Investigations are needed to discover, whether or not they have been provided National Identity Cards, and whether or not they are allowed to vote.

hindu-family Overall situation concerning these Hindus is highly insult some for every Pakistani, especially for every Muslim believing in the contents of the Holly Quran, that preaches even respect for every human being of every religion and belief.

Jamat-ud-Dawa provided some relief to these totally neglected sections of minorities. They were hugged and petted by the members of Dawa team. It is difficult to express the enthusiasm, relief and happiness that these neglected people felt and displayed. It was the feeling of Dawa members that they gave the indication as if for the first time in life somebody afforded them respect that they had never dreamed of.

The government of Pakistan must do everything possible to redress the problems of minorities. Minorities must live in an atmosphere of perfect confidence for security to their faith and worships, with chins up for a secure future in Pakistan. They will be attaining ambitions to serve the state with best of their efforts. Faithful to their various faiths and modes of worships, they will prove to be contributing sincerely for the country, because a citizen without sincerity in his faith can never be sincere to state. Religiously insincere and faithless persons are never honest to their parents and members of family as well.

Until we develop the personalities of the children of so called Low Caste Hindus exactly at par with the status and self confidence possessed by the children of any educated respectable family of the country, the minorities, especially Hindus will be considered to be absolutely neglected leading a life of worst shape of slavery, unknown to present days nations of the world. Achievements for this end will involve large scale scholarships with boarding the lodging facilities for children of these classes of Hindus for their education in schools and colleges in Karachi, Quetta, Khyber Pakhtoon Kkuwa, Lahore and Islamabad. These revolutionary steps must be taken at war basis, managing funds from philanthropists of Pakistan only. No foreign aid or subscription must be accepted as the beneficiaries are indigenous Pakistanis, whose self respect must not be hurt with any kind of foreign aid. During the whole process of such education and personality build up, care must be taken for religious worship of their children strictly according to their faith. They must be given free access to all the children of other religions. They must be provided with every facility for their participation in all categories of sports. Such efforts with sincerity and honesty are sure to have far reaching effects. Every discouragement during the process must be aggressively overcome. The efforts might provide incentive for India to take care of their suppressed and neglected classes of religious communities. On the other hand, we must manage jobs for adults of community under special arrangements as the depressed have been suffering for the last so many thousands of years.

Kolhi-Hindu-Girl We love children. Our own children share almost all of our resources. Dullet, Kohli, Magwar, Bheel, Udd, Bagri, Balmiki, etc, children of our country are as lovely, beautiful and charming as our own children. Prosperity and successful future is the right of all children of neglected minorities. We must provide them with attention that they deserve for all justifications. Let us start caring for them right from now onwards. This country will never prosper overlooking the prosperity and welfare of minorities.

When we had been eating our favorite pie, they have been suffering from hunger and dearth of everything in life. Neglecting their very existence during 65 years of Islamic Jamhuriya Pakistan is multiple times more condemnable than neglecting them for the last thousands of years. Believers of Muhammad (PBUH) and Quran are supposed to be far more sensitive for human respect as compared to any other school of thought. If we start giving them respect and regards right from now onwards, accountability for neglecting them during past 65 years will continue to stand. The insults and discriminations already suffered by them in Pakistan cannot stand apology for our past misbehaviour.

We have already invited fingers pointed at us. This is not India. This is Islamic Jamhuriya Pakistan, abode of justice to believers of all faiths.

Muslim gentlemen with sense of responsibility towards other human beings, are ashamed to be the citizens of Muslims majority country, where indigenous owners of the territory are termed to be Scheduled Caste, Low Caste and Untouchable.


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