Monday, January 20, 2025

Grandeur of Baluch and Pashtuns

Visiting Quetta or populous cities of Baluchistan helps little in introduction to Baluch people. This requires rigorous traveling through trackless expanse of hilly, desert, barren fields and pebbled areas. Baluch people are born independent, and people with history of external domination, with all their learning, education and training, cannot easily assess their greatness. They are courageous, brave, hospitable, hard worker and deeply sincere. They possess most commendable aspects of character and behaviour not commonly experience in people of most of the other parts of Pakistan. Most remarkable thing about them is that they are proud of their culture and social system and are assiduous against imitating imported behaviours so ardently adopted by highly educated and common people of rest of the population. Anybody from Mama/Papa saturated areas can feel and observe the difference. Next great quality in them is that they never try to impress others through medium of luxurious dresses and appliances, so miserably common in politicians, so called leaders and land owners of other areas. They don’t yearn for protocols and poetic honours. They talk straight and generally don’t request for anything. People and politicians ever ready for begging respect through crutches of luxury appliances and costly dresses can learn a lot from them in matters of neat and transparent conduct.

Thousands of years in the past, Baluch and tribal Pashtuns migrated from Babul (Iraq) and in spite of their difference of language, their culture and ways of living are similar which they have been maintaining for the last thousands of years. Rich or poor, they never desire to dominate or impress others. This foremost greatness embowered in them, is part of their rearing. They are the people who can serve the nation in true sense of the world. When all other members of the assemblies were using luxury cars to reach the Assembly Hall in Lahore in 1972, Ghaus Bakhsh Bazinju (Baluch) and Arbab Sikandar Khan Khalil (Tribal Pashtun) together arrived on foot through quite some distance from their temporary residence. People of Baluchistan and people of Tribal Areas wear simple dress and mostly use cots prepared from rough pinching ropes. When late Mr. Wali Khan was released from years of captivity, Bacha Khan received him and asked him to be seated on bare cot of rough threads.

Patriotism demands that they must be approached in their form and shape. They belong to the most strategic areas of the state and their dress must be given the honour of national dress. Instead of copying the colonial rulers, we must be proud of dressing like Baluch and Pashtuns. Their dress is mostly worn by majority of whole population. It will not be odd to specify this very dress for every member of every ruling team for all times to come. Baluch and Pashtuns have been maintaining and preserving their culture for the last thousands of years. They are annoyed at heart to see the fashion modelling using respectable women simply as toys, half or more than half naked. Territory of India had not been broken for such state of affairs.



The Dawn, Sunday Magazine, Images, March 02, 2014

From 1947 to 1953, most of the politicians were deeply concerned about the country and its economy, because with their own eyes they had seen the bloodshed and massacre of Muslims and dishonouring of women out of which emerged the state of Pakistan. After becoming party to SETO/CENTO, the process of external dictations started. White House visit for every new Prime Minister and President became compulsory. Psychologically this gave birth to frustration and sense of degradation in shape of introduction and propagation of luxury. Politicians dominated by external forces started the process of impressing citizens through their kingly palaces, costly dresses and splendid cars. Cheap sections of media were hired for impressing the public about politicians’ riches and the vary cost in coins of the foreign designed dresses. This impregnated everybody with display of luxury. Everybody knows that luxury and illegitimate sources of income are deeply interrelated. Honest fair income can never satiate dinghy requirements of luxury. Corruption became rampant. It attracted every member of the society. Employees, shop keepers, farmers and businessmen got intro grouping and so called ‘mutual concern’. The atmosphere became attractive for thieve, dacoits, ransom collectors, adulteration mafia, extremists, etc. The boost was added by models and fashion shows. Things went into chaos. End of every single day was commanded by process of downfall. Infections of luxurious impressing life styles penetrated to the core of fundamental disciplines of basic institutions serving as gantry for nationality and values of social setup. Clergy, teachers, medical professionals and guards of civil security got deeply affected for achieving their share of booty. Politicians’ sensitivity for vote bank served the final blow encouraging the white collar criminals into key positions shaping the circumstances into hell for ordinary citizens with more than 85% majority population. Plight of Pakistan railways can be quoted as one single example. Against more than 11,000 railway trains leaving and reaching various railway stations in 24 hours in India, a few dozen trains of Pakistan railway are running, strangling or toppling during each 24 hours. Open and concealed theft of electricity and gas became sign of bravery.

What for did truthful, straight, simple and courageous Baluch voted with 99% majority for joining Pakistan. It was not at all for a mini India. Not at all for modelling, fashion shows and couple dances. They joined only in the name of ‘Muslim state’. Willy-nilly scholars mostly holder of double nationality or married to double nationality women wishfully interpret various statements of Honourable M.A. Jinnah. They crookedly forget that all statements of honourable le M.A. Jinnah between August 1947 to 1948, in a nutshell, precisely fall subject to his first, foremost and continuously repeated prime statement through the span of 30 years and this statement was ‘a state for Muslims’. If anybody asks any of these scholars ‘what is meant by Muslims and state for Muslims’? They will simply give you surprising gaze of 29/30. (Writers exclusive terminology for dumbs). For real gentlemen and scholars instant surrender will be rational. For those who are idle enough for split hair past time, the principle of ‘no more talking’ applies.

Peoples born as results of poetry and hatred have doubtful destiny. Peoples betraying fundamental ideology have least chance of survival or survival with peace and tranquillity. People surrendering their affairs in return for aid (alms) contributions and debts are doubtlessly estranged. They can never help themselves, what to talk of helping needy and destitute sections of human beings without any political or material interests.

It is for the first time that the council of Islamic ideology has issued a comprehensive report about its neglected efforts (The News, 16.02.2014). For this report they deserve all salutes of honour.

How can we blame Baluch and tribal people when state’s constitution is not being sincerely followed? CII’s report mentioned above paints a very grave picture about the rulers and the institutions during the last 60 years period. If nobody protests, nothing is expected to be accomplished for the coming 60 centuries. The protests started from gentle to mild to suggestive to harder over to hardest. Now all blames are being thrown into the goal of protesters. In a state of no negotiations and no settlement, both sides will keep suffering. Both sides have lost a lot. If talks are not made successful, at all costs, the losses will continue. And this is being reminded to rulers who have seen the fate of the group of most powerful and rich peoples in their next door neighbourhood. The losses will continue whereas, the state does not have in stock what the NATO forces abundantly possessed. Warriors, who continued resistance for more than 15 decades against a no-sunset empire, do have a message for the rulers of a state worstly affected by corruption, lawlessness and favouritism.


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