Dodging Students’ Parents and the Nation
Contents of this short article are based on Sialkot (Pakistan) in focus but the situation applies to whole of the country. Every academic new year showers profuse numbers of banners and posters, by every school without the exception of a single, claiming highest marks by its students in board / university examinations. They attribute the credit exclusively to the system and disciplines of their setup. A short list of students’ names with marks obtained is boisterously displayed everywhere only to grab more and more number of students for collection of fees and other funds. An institution even displays figure of a female student in the shape of a model installed at various crossings of the city including Kashmir Road and Wazirabad Road to attract more and more admissions. Such claims and odd tactics by schools’ administration are 100% deceptive in case of 100% schools, small and large.
According to my personal experience as a teacher, in various schools inside and outside of Sialkot, it has been precisely concluded that there are always a number of two to five students in every class of every school, with inherited or cultivated powers of understanding and intelligence to grip the inside of every subject prescribed in the study courses. Students inheriting capabilities need only short hints and gestures to learn. Students prepared at home by their educated parents cultivate prompt understanding of what they are taught. Beyond the talented students, every class of every school is only fees / fund paying mediocre, wasting time and money of the parents and its actually this particular lot who display the real efficiency of the teaching staff. Haughty claims by schools are of no value to the process of educating and nation building. Sitting with a bank manager I heard a B.Com (hon.) female candidate appallingly asking “But how shall I open the website”.
Governance body of the state gives every indication of being unconcerned with the game plot. There is no code of ethics to control and supervise the ongoing game of turning the education system over to profit gaining business attitudes. There is no authority to forestall the loud and clear white lies. These school runners definitely get incentive from politicians of the poor and heavily indebted low literacy state. Airing 100% false claims and promises has become the order of the era. I have met even a road side vendor who claimed at ease that manufacture of an atomic bomb is no problem for him. When atmosphere is saturated with lies and dodges everything goes unbridled.
During the entire period of 1950s and 1960s there had been no such deceptive practice by the education institutions. Everybody was cautious and truthful. That very era had produced highly cultured and result oriented graduates and post graduates. Making a false claim used to be considered as insultsome and abusive. Sense of precise responsibility dominated the personality of every learned and educated individual.
So the universal truth goes that when people at top deviate from their straight forwardness, the road side cobbler intentionally applies defective stiches to every shoe. In this way descends to abyss what is at the top.
Category: Social
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